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glam2(1) [debian man page]

GLAM2(1)							   glam2 Manual 							  GLAM2(1)

glam2 - Gapped Local Alignment of Motifs SYNOPSIS
glam2 [options] alphabet my_seqs.fa An alphabet other than p or n is interpreted as the name of an alphabet file. DESCRIPTION
GLAM2 is a software package for finding motifs in sequences, typically amino-acid or nucleotide sequences. A motif is a re-occurring sequence pattern: typical examples are the TATA box and the CAAX prenylation motif. The main innovation of GLAM2 is that it allows insertions and deletions in motifs. OPTIONS (DEFAULT SETTINGS) -h Show all options and their default settings. -o Output file (stdout). -r Number of alignment runs (10). -n End each run after this many iterations without improvement (10000). -2 Examine both strands - forward and reverse complement. -z Minimum number of sequences in the alignment (2). -a Minimum number of aligned columns (2). -b Maximum number of aligned columns (50). -w Initial number of aligned columns (20). -d Dirichlet mixture file. -D Deletion pseudocount (0.1). -E No-deletion pseudocount (2.0). -I Insertion pseudocount (0.02). -J No-insertion pseudocount (1.0). -q Weight for generic versus sequence-set-specific residue abundances (1e+99). -t Initial temperature (1.2). -c Cooling factor per n iterations (1.44). -u Temperature lower bound (0.1). -p Print progress information at each iteration. -m Column-sampling moves per site-sampling move (1.0). -x Site sampling algorithm: 0=FAST 1=SLOW 2=FFT (0). -s Seed for pseudo-random numbers (1). SEE ALSO
glam2format(1), glam2mask(1), glam2-purge(1), glam2scan(1) The full Hypertext documentation of GLAM2 is available online at or on this computer in /usr/share/doc/glam2/. REFERENCE
If you use GLAM2, please cite: MC Frith, NFW Saunders, B Kobe, TL Bailey (2008) Discovering sequence motifs with arbitrary insertions and deletions, PLoS Computational Biology (in press). AUTHORS
Martin Frith Author of GLAM2. Timothy Bailey Author of GLAM2. Charles Plessy <> Formatted this manpage in DocBook XML for the Debian distribution. COPYRIGHT
The source code and the documentation of GLAM2 are released in the public domain. GLAM2 1056 05/19/2008 GLAM2(1)

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BP_REVTRANS-MOTIF(1p)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				     BP_REVTRANS-MOTIF(1p)

revtrans-motif - Reverse translate a Profam-like protein motif VERSION
Version 0.01 SYNOPSIS
From a file: -i motifs.txt Using pipes: < motifs.txt > output.txt Using interactively at the command prompt: $ MAAEEL[VIKP] 1. ATGGCNGCNGARGARYTNVHN [^P]H(IW){2,3} 2. NDNCAY(ATHTGG){2,3} DESCRIPTION
This script takes a protein motif as input and returns a degenerate oligonucleotide sequence corresponding to it. The main reason for doing this is to design degenerate primers that amplify a given sequence pattern. The input motif consists of a string of one-letter residues, with any of the following syntactic elements: [...] : Redundant position. A position in which more than one residue is allowed. Example: [TS]YW[RKSD] ^^ ^^^^ [^...] : Negated position. A position in which any residue is allowed, saved for those between brackets. Example: [^PW]MK[LAE] ^^ (...){n,m,...} : Repeated motif. A motif that is repeated n or m times. It can have any of the previous syntactic elements. Example: A[SN]C(TXX){2,4,8} ^^^ The allowed letters are those that correspond to the 20 natural aminoacids, plus: B = N + D Z = Q + E X = All OPTIONS
-i input-file: A file with a list of motifs to reverse translate. -h Display this help message. AUTHOR
Bruno Vecchi, "vecchi.b at" BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to "vecchi.b at" COPYRIGHT &; LICENSE Copyright 2009 Bruno Vecchi, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.14.2 2012-03-02 BP_REVTRANS-MOTIF(1p)
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