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formatdb(1) [debian man page]

FORMATDB(1)						     NCBI Tools User's Manual						       FORMATDB(1)

formatdb - format protein or nucleotide databases for BLAST SYNOPSIS
formatdb [-] [-B filename] [-F filename] [-L filename] [-T filename] [-V] [-a] [-b] [-e] [-i filename] [-l filename] [-n str] [-o] [-p F] [-s] [-t str] [-v N] DESCRIPTION
formatdb must be used in order to format protein or nucleotide source databases before these databases can be searched by blastall, blastpgp or MegaBLAST. The source database may be in either FASTA or ASN.1 format. Although the FASTA format is most often used as input to formatdb, the use of ASN.1 is advantageous for those who are using ASN.1 as the common source for other formats such as the GenBank report. Once a source database file has been formatted by formatdb it is not needed by BLAST. Please note that if you are going to apply periodic updates to your BLAST databases using fmerge(1), you will need to keep the source database file. OPTIONS
A summary of options is included below. - Print usage message -B filename Binary Gifile produced from the Gifile specified by -F. This option specifies the name of a binary GI list file. This option should be used with the -F option. A text GI list may be specified with the -F option and the -B option will produce that GI list in binary format. The binary file is smaller and BLAST does not need to convert it, so it can be read faster. -F filename Gifile (file containing list of gi's) for use with -B or -L -L filename Create an alias file named filename, limiting the sequences searched to those specified by -F. -T filename Set the taxonomy IDs in ASN.1 deflines according to the table in filename. -V Verbose: check for non-unique string ids in the database -a Input file is database in ASN.1 format (otherwise FASTA is expected) -b ASN.1 database is binary (as opposed to ASCII text) -e Input is a Seq-entry. A source ASN.1 database (either text ascii or binary) may contain a Bioseq-set or just one Bioseq. In the latter case -e should be provided. -i filename Input file(s) for formatting -l filename Log file name (default = formatdb.log) -n str Base name for BLAST files (defaults to the name of the original FASTA file) -o Parse SeqID and create indexes. If the source database is in FASTA format, the database identifiers in the FASTA definition line must follow the conventions of the FASTA Defline Format. -p F Input is a nucleotide, not a protein. -s Index only by accession, not by locus. This is especially useful for sequence sets like the EST's where the accession and locus names are identical. Formatdb runs faster and produces smaller temporary files if this option is used. It is strongly recommended for EST's, STS's, GSS's, and HTGS's. -t str Title for database file [String] -v N Break up large FASTA files into `volumes' of size N million letters (4000 by default). As part of the creation of a volume, for- matdb writes a new type of BLAST database file, called an alias file, with the extension `nal' or `pal'. AUTHOR
The National Center for Biotechnology Information. SEE ALSO
blast(1), copymat(1), formatrpsdb(1), makemat(1), /usr/share/doc/blast2/formatdb.html. NCBI
2007-10-19 FORMATDB(1)

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ASN2GB(1)						     NCBI Tools User's Manual							 ASN2GB(1)

asn2gb - convert ASN.1 biological data to a GenBank-style flat format SYNOPSIS
asn2gb [-] [-A accession] [-F] [-a asn-type] [-b] [-c] [-d] [-f format] [-g N] [-h N] [-i filename] [-j N] [-k N] [-l filename] [-m mode] [-n filename] [-o filename] [-p] [-q filename] [-r] [-s style] [-t N] [-u N] [-y N] DESCRIPTION
asn2gb converts descriptions of biological sequences from NCBI's ASN.1 format to one of several flat-file formats, and is the successor to asn2ff(1). OPTIONS
A summary of options is included below. - Print usage message -A accession Accession to fetch; may take the form accession,complexity,flags where complexity should normally be 0 and a flags value of -1 enables fetching of external features (as with the legacy -F option) -F Fetch remote annotations (equivalent to specifying -A accession,0,-1) -a asn-type ASN.1 Type: [Single record] a Any (autodetected; default) e seq-Entry b Bioseq s bioseq-Set m seq-subMit q Catenated [Release file; components individually processed and freed] t baTch bioseq-set u batch seq-sUbmit -b Input file is binary -c Batch file is compressed -d Seq-loc minus strand -f format Format: b GenBank (default) bp or pb GenBank and GenPept e EMBL p GenPept q nucleotide GBSet (XML) r protein GBSet (XML) t Feature table only x nucleotide INSDSet (XML) y tiny seq (XML) Y FASTA z protein INSDSet (XML) -g N Bit flags (all default to off): 1 HTML 2 XML 4 ContigFeats 8 ContigSrcs 16 FarTransl -h N Lock/Lookup Flags (all default to off): 8 LockProd 16 LookupComp 64 LookupProd -i filename Input file name (default = stdin) -j N Start location (default is 0, beginning of sequence) -k N End location (default is 0, end of sequence) -l filename Log file -m mode Mode: r Release e Entrez s Sequin (default) d Dump -n filename Asn2Flat Executable (default = asn2flat) -o filename Output file name (default = stdout) -p Propagate top descriptors -q filename Ffdiff Executable (default = /netopt/genbank/subtool/bin/ffdiff) -r Enable remote fetching -s style Style: n Normal (default) s Segment m Master c Contig -t N Batch: 1 Report 2 Sequin/Release 3 asn2gb SSEC/nocleanup 4 asn2flat BSEC/nocleanup 5 asn2gb/asn2flat 6 asn2gb NEW dbxref/OLD dbxref 7 oldasn2gb/newasn2gb -u N Custom flags (all default to off): 4 Hide features 1792 Hide references 8192 Hide sources 262144 Hide translations -y N Feature itemID AUTHOR
The National Center for Biotechnology Information. SEE ALSO
asn2all(1), asn2asn(1), asn2ff(1), asn2fsa(1), asn2xml(1), asndhuff(1), insdseqget(1), /usr/share/doc/libncbi6-dev/asn2gb.txt.gz. NCBI
2011-09-02 ASN2GB(1)
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