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dane(1) [debian man page]

DANE(1) 							  Internet / DNS							   DANE(1)

dane - Generate TLSA/HASTLS DNS records by scanning SSL/TLS sites SYNTAX
dane [-v] [-q] [-h] [-v] [--draft|--rfc] [--sha256] [--sha512] [--full] [--insecure] [--pubkey] [--txt] [--eecert] [--cacert] [-4] [-6] [--axfr] [-n <nameserver>] host1 [host2 ...]] [@nameserver]] DESCRIPTION
dane generates TLSA/HASTLS records based on the IETF DANE working group proposal. These are currently in draft, so private RRTYPE assignments are used. Records are generated by connecting to the website using SSL and grabbing its (EE) certificate. If the nameserver of the domain allows zone tranfers (AXFR), an entire domain can be processed for all its A/AAAA records. OPTIONS
-n / --nameserver <hostname1> Use specified nameserver for AXFR query -q / --quiet Supress all warnings - useful when scanning lots of host where some do not run SSL --axfr Use AXFR. Implies -n nameserver (or @nameserver). Hosts are treated as zones to AXFR. --tlsa Output TLSA record from SSL server scan results (default) --eecert Output TLSA record format EE certificates (type 1) (default) --pubkey Output TLSA record for just the public key (type unassined) (not implemented yet) --txt Output Kaminsky style TXT record for (not implemented yet) --cacert Output TLSA record for the entire CA chain and EE-cert (not yet implemented) --sha256 Output TLSA record reference type 1 (SHA256) records (default) --sha512 Output TLSA record reference type 2 (SHA512) records --full Output TLSA record reference type 0 (full cert) records --draft Output Unknown Resource Record format with private RRTYPE assignment. This is used while the standard is still in draft form, and for when your nameserver does not (yet) support the new RRTYPE names. This option is the default (if --rfc is not specified) as long as dane is has not be released as RFC. --rfc Specify records using the RRTYPE's TLSA (and HASTLA) --insecure Continue scanning even if the A/AAAA records could not be validated using DNSSEC -4 Only use ipv4 networking - do not attempt to connect to AAAA SSL sites -6 Only use ipv6 networking - do not attempt to connect to A SSL sites -h / --help Output help information and exit. -v / --version Output version information and exit. FILES
~/.ssh/known_hosts REQUIREMENTS
dane requires python-dns and python-argparse( Fedora: yum install python-dns python-argparse Debian: apt-get install python-dnspython python-argparse BUGS
I'm sure there are EXAMPLES
typical usage: dane dane --rfc --sha512 dane --insecure --draft SEE ALSO
sshfp(1) ssh(1) and RFC-XXXX AUTHORS
Paul Wouters <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2011 Xelerance Corporation This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See <>. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License (file COPYING in the distribution) for more details. Paul Wouters April 12, 2011 DANE(1)

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dns(n)								Domain Name Service							    dns(n)


dns - Tcl Domain Name Service Client SYNOPSIS
package require Tcl 8.2 package require dns ?1.3.3? ::dns::resolve query ?options? ::dns::configure ?options? ::dns::name token ::dns::address token ::dns::cname token ::dns::result token ::dns::status token ::dns::error token ::dns::reset token ::dns::wait token ::dns::cleanup token ::dns::nameservers _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
The dns package provides a Tcl only Domain Name Service client. You should refer to (1) and (2) for information about the DNS protocol or read resolver(3) to find out how the C library resolves domain names. The intention of this package is to insulate Tcl scripts from prob- lems with using the system library resolver for slow name servers. It may or may not be of practical use. Internet name resolution is a complex business and DNS is only one part of the resolver. You may find you are supposed to be using hosts files, NIS or WINS to name a few other systems. This package is not a substitute for the C library resolver - it does however implement name resolution over DNS. The pack- age also extends the package uri to support DNS URIs (4) of the form or dns://my.nameserver/ The dns::resolve command can handle DNS URIs or simple domain names as a query. Note: The package defaults to using DNS over TCP connections. If you wish to use UDP you will need to have the tcludp package installed and have a version that correctly handles binary data (> 1.0.4). This is available at If the udp package is present then UDP will be used by default. COMMANDS
::dns::resolve query ?options? Resolve a domain name using the DNS protocol. query is the domain name to be lookup up. This should be either a fully qualified domain name or a DNS URI. -nameserver hostname or -server hostname Specify an alternative name server for this request. -protocol tcp|udp Specify the network protocol to use for this request. Can be one of tcp or udp. -port portnum Specify an alternative port. -search domainlist -timeout milliseconds Override the default timeout. -type TYPE Specify the type of DNS record you are interested in. Valid values are A, NS, MD, MF, CNAME, SOA, MB, MG, MR, NULL, WKS, PTR, HINFO, MINFO, MX, TXT, SPF, SRV, AAAA, AXFR, MAILB, MAILA and *. See RFC1035 for details about the return values. See about SPF. See (3) about AAAA records and RFC2782 for details of SRV records. -class CLASS Specify the class of domain name. This is usually IN but may be one of IN for internet domain names, CS, CH, HS or * for any class. -recurse boolean Set to false if you do not want the name server to recursively act upon your request. Normally set to true. -command procname Set a procedure to be called upon request completion. The procedure will be passed the token as its only argument. ::dns::configure ?options? The ::dns::configure command is used to setup the dns package. The server to query, the protocol and domain search path are all set via this command. If no arguments are provided then a list of all the current settings is returned. If only one argument then it must the the name of an option and the value for that option is returned. -nameserver hostname Set the default name server to be used by all queries. The default is localhost. -protocol tcp|udp Set the default network protocol to be used. Default is tcp. -port portnum Set the default port to use on the name server. The default is 53. -search domainlist Set the domain search list. This is currently not used. -timeout milliseconds Set the default timeout value for DNS lookups. Default is 30 seconds. -loglevel level Set the log level used for emitting diagnostic messages from this package. The default is warn. See the log package for details of the available levels. ::dns::name token Returns a list of all domain names returned as an answer to your query. ::dns::address token Returns a list of the address records that match your query. ::dns::cname token Returns a list of canonical names (usually just one) matching your query. ::dns::result token Returns a list of all the decoded answer records provided for your query. This permits you to extract the result for more unusual query types. ::dns::status token Returns the status flag. For a successfully completed query this will be ok. May be error or timeout or eof. See also ::dns::error ::dns::error token Returns the error message provided for requests whose status is error. If there is no error message then an empty string is returned. ::dns::reset token Reset or cancel a DNS query. ::dns::wait token Wait for a DNS query to complete and return the status upon completion. ::dns::cleanup token Remove all state variables associated with the request. ::dns::nameservers Attempts to return a list of the nameservers currently configured for the users system. On a unix machine this parses the /etc/resolv.conf file for nameservers (if it exists) and on Windows systems we examine certain parts of the registry. If no name- server can be found then the loopback address ( is used as a default. EXAMPLES
% set tok [dns::resolve] ::dns::1 % dns::status $tok ok % dns::address $tok % dns::name $tok % dns::cleanup $tok Using DNS URIs as queries: % set tok [dns::resolve ";type=MX"] % set tok [dns::resolve "dns://"] Reverse address lookup: % set tok [dns::resolve] ::dns::1 % dns::name $tok localhost % dns::cleanup $tok REFERENCES
[1] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities", RFC 1034, November 1987. ( [2] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Implementation and Specification", RFC 1035, November 1087. ( [3] Thompson, S. and Huitema, C., "DNS Extensions to support IP version 6", RFC 1886, December 1995. ( [4] Josefsson, S., "Domain Name System Uniform Resource Identifiers", Internet-Draft, October 2003, ( drafts/draft-josefsson-dns-url-09.txt) [5] Gulbrandsen, A., Vixie, P. and Esibov, L., "A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)", RFC 2782, February 2000, ( [6] Ohta, M. "Incremental Zone Transfer in DNS", RFC 1995, August 1996, ( AUTHORS
Pat Thoyts BUGS, IDEAS, FEEDBACK This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category dns of the Tcllib SF Trackers []. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation. SEE ALSO
resolver(5) KEYWORDS
DNS, domain name service, resolver, rfc 1034, rfc 1035, rfc 1886 COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2002, Pat Thoyts dns 1.3.3 dns(n)
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