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crashmaint(1) [debian man page]

CRASHMAINT(1)							     CrashMail							     CRASHMAINT(1)

crashmaint - Do maintanence on CrashMail message bases SYNOPSIS
crashmaint [MAINT] [PACK] [VERBOSE] [SETTINGS filename] [PATTERN pattern] DESCRIPTION
Deletes old messages according to KEEPNUM and KEEPDAYS in crashmail.prefs. The program can do two different operations on a messagebase, MAINT and PACK. The meaning of these two modes are different for different messagebase formats. *.msg MAINT deletes messages and PACK renumbers the area. JAM MAINT sets the Deleted flag for the messages. PACK removes all messages with the Deleted flag from the messagebase. Both MAINT and PACK can be specified at the same time. OPTIONS
SETTINGS filename Specifies that another config file than the default should be used. You can use the environment variable CMCONFIGFILE to set the default configuration file. PATTERN pattern Lets you perform the operations on only some of your areas. VERBOSE Gives you a lot of information which you don't really need. EXAMPLES
crashmail(1) AUTHOR
CrashMail is written by Johan Billing <> This manual page was written by Peter Karlsson <> Johan Billing 1999-08-01 CRASHMAINT(1)

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CRASHLIST(1)							     CrashMail							      CRASHLIST(1)

crashlist - Compile a CrashMail nodelist SYNOPSIS
crashlist dir DESCRIPTION
Builds an index for the nodelists in the specified directory (or in the current directory if no directory is specified). To find out what nodelists to read, CrashList uses a file called cmnodelist.prefs in the nodelist directory. The format of this file is as follows: <nodelist name> [<default zone>] As the name of the nodelist, you can either specify the full name of the nodelist or just the base name of the nodelist (without .xxx at the end). If you just specify the base name, CrashList will use the latest nodelist with that name (selected by date, not the extension). A default zone can be used for regional nodelists without a Zone line. All lines beginning with a semicolon are treated as comments. Pointlists should be in BinkleyTerm format and should be specified after the real nodelists. SEE ALSO
crashmail(1), crashgetnode(1) FILES
Example cmnodelist.prefs: ; Configuration for CrashList ; ; Format: <nodelist> [<default zone>] NODELIST BTPOINT AUTHOR
CrashMail is written by Johan Billing <> This manual page was written by Peter Karlsson <> Johan Billing 1999-08-01 CRASHLIST(1)
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