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cbcodec(1) [debian man page]

CBCODEC(1)						      Quick Database Manager							CBCODEC(1)

cbcodec - popular encoders and decoders SYNOPSIS
cbcodec url [-d] [-br] [-rs base target] [-l] [-e expr] [file] cbcodec base [-d] [-l] [-c num] [-e expr] [file] cbcodec quote [-d] [-l] [-c num] [-e expr] [file] cbcodec mime [-d] [-hd] [-bd] [-part num] [-l] [-ec code] [-qp] [-dc] [-e expr] [file] cbcodec csv [-d] [-t] [-l] [-e expr] [-html] [file] cbcodec xml [-d] [-p] [-l] [-e expr] [-tsv] [file] cbcodec zlib [-d] [-gz] [-crc] [file] cbcodec lzo [-d] [file] cbcodec bzip [-d] [file] cbcodec iconv [-ic code] [-oc code] [-ol ltype] [-cn] [-wc] [-um] [file] cbcodec date [-wf] [-rf] [-utc] [str] DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the cbcodec commands. cbcodec is a tool to use encoding and decoding features provided by Cabin. This command is used in the above format. file specifies a input file. If it is omitted, the standard input is read. OPTIONS
A summary of options is included below. For a complete description, see the file:///usr/share/doc/qdbm-doc/spex.html#cabincli. -d perform decoding (unescaping), not encoding (escaping). -br break up URL into elements. -rs resolve relative URL. -l output the tailing newline. -e expr specify input data directly. -c num limit the number of columns of the encoded data. -hd parse MIME and extract headers in TSV format. -bd parse MIME and extract the body. -part num parse MIME and extract a part. -ec code specify the input encoding, which is UTF-8 by default. -qp use quoted-printable encoding, which is Base64 by default. -dc output the encoding name instead of the result string when decoding. -t parse CSV. Convert the data into TSV. Tab and new-line in a cell are deleted. -html parse CSV. Convert the data into HTML. -p parse XML. Show tags and text sections with dividing headers. -tsv parse XML. Show the result in TSV format. Characters of tabs and new-lines are URL-encoded. -gz use GZIP format. -crc output the CRC32 checksum as hexadecimal and big endian. -ic code specify the input encoding, which is detected automatically by default. -oc code specify the output encoding, which is UTF-8 by default. -ol ltype convert line feed characters, with `unix'(LF), `dos'(CRLF), and `mac'(CR). -cn detect the input encoding and show its name. -wc count the number of characters of the input string of UTF-8. -um output mappings of UCS-2 characters and C strings of UTF-16BE and UTF-8. -wf output in W3CDTF format. -rf output in RFC 1123 format. -utc output the coordinate universal time. SEE ALSO
qdbm(3), cabin(3). AUTHOR
QDBM was written by Mikio Hirabayashi <>. This manual page was written by Fumitoshi UKAI <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). Man Page 2005-05-23 CBCODEC(1)

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CRMGR(1)						      Quick Database Manager							  CRMGR(1)

crmgr - administration utility for QDBM Curia SYNOPSIS
crmgr create [-s] [-bnum num ] [-dnum num] name crmgr put [-kx|-ki] [-vx|-vi|-vf] [-keep|-cat] [-lob] [-na] name key val crmgr out [-kx|-ki] [-lob] name key crmgr get [-nl] [-kx|-ki] [-start num] [-max num] [-ox] [-lob] [-n] name key crmgr list [-nl] [-k|-v] [-ox] name crmgr optimize [-bnum num] [-na] name crmgr inform [-nl] name crmgr remove name crmgr repair name crmgr exportdb name dir crmgr importdb name dir crmgr snaffle [-kx|-ki] [-ox] [-n] name key crmgr version DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the crmgr commands. crmgr is a utility for debugging Curia and its applications. It features editing and checking of a database. It can be used for the data- base applications with shell scripts. This command is used in the above format. name specifies a database name. key specifies the key of a record. val specifies the value of a record. OPTIONS
A summary of options is included below. For a complete description, see the file:///usr/share/doc/qdbm-doc/spex.html#curiacli. -s make the file sparse. -bnum num specify the number of the elements of the bucket array. -dnum num specify the number of division of the database. -kx treat key as a binary expression of hexadecimal notation. -ki treat key as an integer expression of decimal notation. -vx treat val as a binary expression of hexadecimal notation. -vi treat val as an integer expression of decimal notation. -vf read the value from a file specified with val. -keep specify the storing mode for `CR_DKEEP'. -cat specify the storing mode for `CR_DCAT'. -na do not set alignment. -nl open the database without file locking. -start specify the beginning offset of a value to fetch. -max specify the max size of a value to fetch. -ox treat the output as a binary expression of hexadecimal notation. -lob handle large objects. -n do not output the tailing newline. -k output keys only. -v output values only. SEE ALSO
qdbm(3), crtsv(1), curia(3), cropen(3). AUTHOR
QDBM was written by Mikio Hirabayashi <>. This manual page was written by Fumitoshi UKAI <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). Man Page 2005-05-23 CRMGR(1)
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