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parrec2nii(1) [debian man page]

PARREC2NII(1)							   User Commands						     PARREC2NII(1)

parrec2nii - convert PARREC image to NIfTI SYNOPSIS
parrec2nii [OPTIONS] <PAR files> DESCRIPTION
PAR/REC to NIfTI converter OPTIONS
--version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Make some noise. -o OUTDIR, --output-dir=OUTDIR Destination directory for NIfTI files. Default: current directory. -c, --compressed Whether to write compressed NIfTI files or not. --origin=ORIGIN Reference point of the q-form transformation of the NIfTI image. If 'scanner' the (0,0,0) coordinates will refer to the scanner's iso center. If 'fov', this coordinate will be the center of the recorded volume (field of view). Default: 'scanner'. --minmax=MINMAX Mininum and maximum settings to be stored in the NIfTI header. If any of them is set to 'parse', the scaled data is scanned for the actual minimum and maximum. To bypass this potentially slow and memory intensive step (the data has to be scaled and fully loaded into memory), fixed values can be provided as spaceseparated pair, e.g. '5.4 120.4'. It is possible to set a fixed minimum as scan for the actual maximum (and vice versa). Default: 'parse parse'. --store-header If set, all information from the PAR header is stored in an extension of the NIfTI file header. Default: off --scaling=SCALING Choose data scaling setting. The PAR header defines two different data scaling settings: 'dv' (values displayed on console) and 'fp' (floating point values). Either one can be chosen, or scaling can be disabled completely ('off'). Note that neither method will actually scale the data, but just store the corresponding settings in the NIfTI header. Default: 'dv' parrec2nii 1.2.2 June 2012 PARREC2NII(1)

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gifrsize(1)						      General Commands Manual						       gifrsize(1)

gifrsize - A program to resize image size by an integer factor, deleting bits when scaling down and duplicating bits when scaling up. USAGE
gifrsize [-q] [-S X Y] [-s Scale] [-x XScale] [-y YScale] [-h] gif-file If no gif-file is given, GifRSize will try to read a GIF file from stdin. MEMORY REQUIRED
[-q] Quiet mode. Defaults off on MSDOS, on under UNIX. Controls printout of running scan lines. Use -q- to invert. [-S X Y] specifies the exact screen dimension of the output GIF. [-s Scale] Set scaling factor for both x & y direction to Scale. Default is 0.5. Note this is a floating point number. [-x XScale] Set scaling factor for x direction to Scale. Default is 0.5. Note: this is a floating point number. [-y YScale] Set scaling factor for y direction to Scale. Default is 0.5. Note: this is a floating point number. [-h] Print one line of command line help, similar to Usage above. AUTHOR
Gershon Elber Man page created by T.Gridel <>, originally written by Eric S. Raymond <> giflib-tools gifrsize(1)
Man Page

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