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name-client-2(1) [debian man page]

NAME-CLIENT-2(1)						  [FIXME: manual]						  NAME-CLIENT-2(1)

name-client-2 - CORBA Naming Service client SYNOPSIS
name-client-2 [root] [[bind] | [rebind] | [bind_context] | [rebind_context]] [name] [object-id] name-client-2 [root] [[resolve] | [unbind] | [bind_new_context] | [list] | [destroy]] [name] name-client-2 [root] [new_context] DESCRIPTION
name-client-2 is used to query or control a CORBA Name Service, such as the orbit-name-server-2. OPTIONS
name-client-2 accepts the following arguments: Binds or rebinds an object or naming context to name. Resolves, unbinds, lists, or destroys name or binds name to a new context. Creates a new naming context and writes its IOR to standard output. Components of name are delimited by / (slash). id and kind of those components are delimited by . (dot). root denotes the IOR of the root naming context, it is either: o the IOR itself o --stdin: the IOR is read from stdin. o --gnome: the GNOME Name Server is used. object-id is the IOR of an object. FILES
On startup, name-client-2 tries to read the files /etc/orbitrc and $HOME/.orbitrc. The format of these files is not yet documented in Debian. SEE ALSO
ORBit2 web pages: GNOME[1], SourceForge[2] AUTHORS
This manual was written by W. Borgert for Debian GNU/Linux. AUTHOR
W. Borgert <> Author. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2003 W. Borgert NOTES
1. GNOME 2. SourceForge [FIXME: source] 2003-12-12 NAME-CLIENT-2(1)

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po_cos_naming_shell - navigate and interact with the CORBA COS Naming implementation. SYNOPSIS
po_cos_naming_shell [-s] [-i] [-I <IOR>] [-n] All the command line switches are optional. Note: if no root directory initial reference is specified (see section OPTIONS), a new one is created on startup. DESCRIPTION
po_cos_naming_shell(1) is very similar to the po_cos_naming(1) application. po_cos_naming_shell(1) can can act as standalone server that supports the CORBA COS Naming specification. In addition, po_cos_naming_shell(1) provides an interactive shell which can be used to query and manage the CORBA COS naming service. po_cos_naming_shell(1) is able to retrive an existing root directory reference, or it can create a new one on application startup. To display all available shell commands, type help on the command line. OPTIONS
po_cos_naming_shell(1) accepts the following command line switches: -s Register root directory initial reference. -i Retrieve root directory initial reference. -I <IOR> Use object denoted by IOR as root directory. -n Retrieve root directory by name. AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Reto Buerki <> for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). RESOURCES
Polyorb User Manual: SEE ALSO
po_cos_naming(1), po_names(1). 05/21/2009 PO_COS_NAMING_SHELL(1)
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