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sys_acct(9) [centos man page]

SYS_ACCT(9)						       Accounting Framework						       SYS_ACCT(9)

sys_acct - enable/disable process accounting SYNOPSIS
long sys_acct(const char __user * name); ARGUMENTS
name file name for accounting records or NULL to shutdown accounting DESCRIPTION
Returns 0 for success or negative errno values for failure. sys_acct is the only system call needed to implement process accounting. It takes the name of the file where accounting records should be written. If the filename is NULL, accounting will be shutdown. COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 SYS_ACCT(9)

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acct(2) 							System Calls Manual							   acct(2)

       acct - turn accounting on or off

       char *file;

       The system is prepared to write a record in an accounting file for each process as it terminates.  This call, with a null-terminated string
       naming an existing file as argument, turns on accounting; records for each terminating process are appended to  file.   An  argument  of  0
       causes accounting to be turned off.

       The accounting file format is given in

       This  call  is  permitted  only to the superuser.  Accounting is automatically disabled when the file system the accounting file resides on
       runs out of space.  It is enabled when space once again becomes available.

Return Values
       On error, -1 is returned.  The file must exist and the call may be exercised only by the superuser.  It is erroneous  to  try  to  turn	on
       accounting when it is already on.  If successful, 0 is returned.

       The system call will fail if one of the following is true:

       [EPERM]	      The caller is not the superuser.

       [ENOTDIR]      A component of the path prefix is not a directory.

       [ENAMETOOLONG] A component of a pathname exceeded 255 characters, or an entire pathname exceeded 1023 characters.

       [ENOENT]       The named file does not exist.

       [EACCES]       The path name is not a regular file.

       [EROFS]	      The named file resides on a read-only file system.

       [EFAULT]       The file points outside the process's allocated address space.

       [ELOOP]	      Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating the pathname.

       [EIO]	      An I/O error occurred while reading from or writing to the file system.

       No accounting is produced for programs running when a crash occurs.  In particular, nonterminating programs are never accounted for.

See Also
       acct(5), sa(8)

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