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kgdb_roundup_cpus(9) [centos man page]

KGDB_ROUNDUP_CPUS(9)					     Kernel Debugger Internals					      KGDB_ROUNDUP_CPUS(9)

kgdb_roundup_cpus - Get other CPUs into a holding pattern SYNOPSIS
void kgdb_roundup_cpus(unsigned long flags); ARGUMENTS
flags Current IRQ state DESCRIPTION
On SMP systems, we need to get the attention of the other CPUs and get them into a known state. This should do what is needed to get the other CPUs to call kgdb_wait. Note that on some arches, the NMI approach is not used for rounding up all the CPUs. For example, in case of MIPS, smp_call_function is used to roundup CPUs. In this case, we have to make sure that interrupts are enabled before calling smp_call_function. The argument to this function is the flags that will be used when restoring the interrupts. There is local_irq_save call before kgdb_roundup_cpus. On non-SMP systems, this is not called. AUTHOR
Jason Wessel <> Author. COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 KGDB_ROUNDUP_CPUS(9)

Check Out this Related Man Page

CHCPU(8)						       System Administration							  CHCPU(8)

chcpu - configure CPUs SYNOPSIS
chcpu -c|-d|-e|-g cpu-list chcpu -p mode chcpu -r|-h|-V DESCRIPTION
chcpu can modify the state of CPUs. It can enable or disable CPUs, scan for new CPUs, change the CPU dispatching mode of the underlying hypervisor, and request CPUs from the hypervisor (configure) or return CPUs to the hypervisor (deconfigure). Some options have a cpu-list argument. Use this argument to specify a comma-separated list of CPUs. The list can contain individual CPU addresses or ranges of addresses. For example, 0,5,7,9-11 makes the command applicable to the CPUs with the addresses 0, 5, 7, 9, 10, and 11. OPTIONS
-c, --configure cpu-list Configure the specified CPUs. Configuring a CPU means that the hypervisor takes a CPU from the CPU pool and assigns it to the vir- tual hardware on which your kernel runs. -d, --disable cpu-list Disable the specified CPUs. Disabling a CPU means that the kernel sets it offline. -e, --enable cpu-list Enable the specified CPUs. Enabling a CPU means that the kernel sets it online. A CPU must be configured, see -c, before it can be enabled. -g, --deconfigure cpu-list Deconfigure the specified CPUs. Deconfiguring a CPU means that the hypervisor removes the CPU from the virtual hardware on which the Linux instance runs and returns it to the CPU pool. A CPU must be offline, see -d, before it can be deconfigured. -p, --dispatch mode Set the CPU dispatching mode (polarization). This option has an effect only if your hardware architecture and hypervisor support CPU polarization. Available modes are: horizontal The workload is spread across all available CPUs. vertical The workload is concentrated on few CPUs. -r, --rescan Trigger a rescan of CPUs. After a rescan, the Linux kernel recognizes the new CPUs. Use this option on systems that do not auto- matically detect newly attached CPUs. -V, --version Display version information and exit. -h, --help Display help text and exit. RETURN CODES
chcpu has the following return codes: 0 success 1 failure 64 partial success AUTHOR
Heiko Carstens <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright IBM Corp. 2011 SEE ALSO
The chcpu command is part of the util-linux package and is available from Linux Kernel Archive < /util-linux/>. util-linux July 2014 CHCPU(8)
Man Page

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