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hrtimer_start(9) [centos man page]

HRTIMER_START(9)						   Driver Basics						  HRTIMER_START(9)

hrtimer_start - (re)start an hrtimer on the current CPU SYNOPSIS
int hrtimer_start(struct hrtimer * timer, ktime_t tim, const enum hrtimer_mode mode); ARGUMENTS
timer the timer to be added tim expiry time mode expiry mode: absolute (HRTIMER_MODE_ABS) or relative (HRTIMER_MODE_REL) RETURNS
0 on success 1 when the timer was active COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 HRTIMER_START(9)

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struct_hrtimer - the basic hrtimer structure SYNOPSIS
struct hrtimer { struct rb_node node; ktime_t _expires; ktime_t _softexpires; enum hrtimer_restart (* function) (struct hrtimer *); struct hrtimer_clock_base * base; unsigned long state; #ifdef CONFIG_TIMER_STATS int start_pid; void * start_site; char start_comm[16]; #endif }; MEMBERS
node red black tree node for time ordered insertion _expires the absolute expiry time in the hrtimers internal representation. The time is related to the clock on which the timer is based. Is setup by adding slack to the _softexpires value. For non range timers identical to _softexpires. _softexpires the absolute earliest expiry time of the hrtimer. The time which was given as expiry time when the timer was armed. function timer expiry callback function base pointer to the timer base (per cpu and per clock) state state information (See bit values above) start_pid timer statistics field to store the pid of the task which started the timer start_site timer statistics field to store the site where the timer was started start_comm[16] timer statistics field to store the name of the process which started the timer DESCRIPTION
The hrtimer structure must be initialized by hrtimer_init COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 2.6. July 2010 STRUCT HRTIMER(9)
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