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ffz(9) [centos man page]

FFZ(9)							     Basic C Library Functions							    FFZ(9)

ffz - find first zero bit in word SYNOPSIS
unsigned long ffz(unsigned long word); ARGUMENTS
word The word to search DESCRIPTION
Undefined if no zero exists, so code should check against ~0UL first. COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 FFZ(9)

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glSampleMaski - set the value of a sub-word of the sample mask C SPECIFICATION
void glSampleMaski(GLuint maskNumber, GLbitfield mask); PARAMETERS
maskNumber Specifies which 32-bit sub-word of the sample mask to update. mask Specifies the new value of the mask sub-word. DESCRIPTION
glSampleMaski sets one 32-bit sub-word of the multi-word sample mask, GL_SAMPLE_MASK_VALUE. maskIndex specifies which 32-bit sub-word of the sample mask to update, and mask specifies the new value to use for that sub-word. maskIndex must be less than the value of GL_MAX_SAMPLE_MASK_WORDS. Bit B of mask word M corresponds to sample 32 x M + B. NOTES
glSampleMaski is available only if the GL version is 3.2 or greater, or if the ARB_texture_multisample extension is supported. ERRORS
GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if maskIndex is greater than or equal to the value of GL_MAX_SAMPLE_MASK_WORDS. SEE ALSO
glGenRenderbuffers(), glBindRenderbuffer(), glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(), glFramebufferRenderbuffer(), glDeleteRenderbuffers() COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2010 Khronos Group. This material may be distributed subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v 1.0, 8 June 1999. AUTHORS 06/10/2014 GLSAMPLEMASKI(3G)
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