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bmap(9) [centos man page]

BMAP(9) 							   The Linux VFS							   BMAP(9)

bmap - find a block number in a file SYNOPSIS
sector_t bmap(struct inode * inode, sector_t block); ARGUMENTS
inode inode of file block block to find DESCRIPTION
Returns the block number on the device holding the inode that is the disk block number for the block of the file requested. That is, asked for block 4 of inode 1 the function will return the disk block relative to the disk start that holds that block of the file. COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 BMAP(9)

Check Out this Related Man Page

LFS_BMAPV(2)						      BSD System Calls Manual						      LFS_BMAPV(2)

lfs_bmapv -- retrieve disk addresses for arrays of blocks LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <ufs/lfs/lfs.h> int lfs_bmapv(fsid_t *fsidp, BLOCK_INFO *blkiov, int blkcnt); DESCRIPTION
lfs_bmapv() fills in the bi_daddr field for every block listed in the block array blkiov with the disk address corresponding to the logical block bi_lbn of the file with inode bi_inode. If bi_lbn is LFS_UNUSED_LBN, the disk location of the inode block containing the file's inode will be returned in bi_daddr instead. The fsidp argument contains the id of the file system to which the inodes and blocks belong. The blkiov argument is an array of BLOCK_INFO structures (see below). The blkcnt argument determines the size of the blkiov array. typedef struct block_info { ino_t bi_inode; /* inode # */ ufs_daddr_t bi_lbn; /* logical block w/in file */ ufs_daddr_t bi_daddr; /* disk address of block */ time_t bi_segcreate; /* origin segment create time */ int bi_version; /* file version number */ void *bi_bp; /* data buffer */ int bi_size; /* size of the block (if fragment) */ } BLOCK_INFO; RETURN VALUES
lfs_bmapv() returns 0 on success, or -1 on error. ERRORS
An error return from lfs_bmapv() indicates: [EFAULT] fsidp points outside the process's allocated address space. [EINVAL] *fsidp does not specify a valid file system. SEE ALSO
lfs_markv(2), lfs_segclean(2), lfs_segwait(2), lfs_cleanerd(8) HISTORY
The lfs_bmapv() function call appeared in 4.4BSD. BSD
May 23, 2000 BSD
Man Page

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