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usernetctl(8) [centos man page]

USERNETCTL(8)						      System Manager's Manual						     USERNETCTL(8)

usernetctl - allow a user to manipulate a network interface if permitted SYNOPSIS
usernetctl interface-name up|down|report DESCRIPTION
usernetctl checks to see if users are allowed to manipulate the network interface specified by interface-name, and then tries to bring the network interface up or down, if up or down was specified on the command line, or returns true or false status (respectively) if the report option was specified. usernetctl is not really meant to be called directly by users, though it currently works fine that way. It is used as a wrapper by the ifup and ifdown scripts, so that users can do exactly the same thing as root: ifup interface-name ifdown interface-name and ifup and ifdown will call usernetctl automatically to allow the interface status change. OPTIONS
interface-name The name of the network interface to check; for example, "ppp0". For backwards compatibility, "ifcfg-ppp0" and "/etc/sysconfig/net- work-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0" are also supported. up|down Attempt to bring the interface up or down. report Report on whether users can bring the interface up or down. NOTES
Alternate device configurations may inherit the default configuration's permissions. RHS
Red Hat, Inc. USERNETCTL(8)

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USERNETCTL(8)						      System Manager's Manual						     USERNETCTL(8)

usernetctl - allow a user to manipulate a network interface if permitted SYNOPSIS
usernetctl interface-name up|down|report DESCRIPTION
usernetctl checks to see if users are allowed to manipulate the network interface specified by interface-name, and then tries to bring the network interface up or down, if up or down was specified on the command line, or returns true or false status (respectively) if the report option was specified. usernetctl is not really meant to be called directly by users, though it currently works fine that way. It is used as a wrapper by the ifup and ifdown scripts, so that users can do exactly the same thing as root: ifup interface-name ifdown interface-name and ifup and ifdown will call usernetctl automatically to allow the interface status change. OPTIONS
interface-name The name of the network interface to check; for example, "ppp0". For backwards compatibility, "ifcfg-ppp0" and "/etc/sysconfig/net- work-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0" are also supported. up|down Attempt to bring the interface up or down. report Report on whether users can bring the interface up or down. NOTES
Alternate device configurations may inherit the default configuration's permissions. RHS
Red Hat, Inc. USERNETCTL(8)
Man Page

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