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texlinks(8) [centos man page]

texlinks(8)							       teTeX							       texlinks(8)

texlinks - maintain symbolic links from format to engine SYNOPSIS
texlinks is used to create or recreate symbolic links from formats to engines according to the information in fmtutil.cnf or a file speci- fied with --cnffile. DIRECTORIES is an optional list of directories in which to operate. If no directories are specified the list of directories depends on the --multiplatform option. OPTIONS
--cnffile FILE or -f FILE use file as configuration file (default: fmtutil.cnf) --help or -h show some help text --multiplatform or -m operate in all platform-specific directories (default: operate only in the directory for this platform) --silent or -s silently skip over existing scripts/binaries instead of printing a warning --unlink or -u Unlink previously created symlinks --verbose or -v +set verbose mode on (default: off) FILES
fmtutil.cnf default configuration file SEE ALSO
fmtutil(1), fmtutil.cnf(5) Web page: <> BUGS
None known, but report any bugs found to <> (mailing list). AUTHOR
texlinks was written by Thomas Esser <> in 1999. texlinks has been released into the public domain. This manual page was written by C.M. Connelly <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system. It may be used by other distributions with- out contacting the author. Any mistakes or omissions in the manual page are my fault; inquiries about or corrections to this manual page should be directed to me (and not to the primary author). teTeX November 2007 texlinks(8)

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texlinks(8)							       teTeX							       texlinks(8)

texlinks - maintain symbolic links from format to engine SYNOPSIS
texlinks is used to create or recreate symbolic links from formats to engines according to the information in fmtutil.cnf or a file speci- fied with --cnffile. DIRECTORIES is an optional list of directories in which to operate. If no directories are specified the list of directories depends on the --multiplatform option. OPTIONS
--cnffile FILE or -f FILE use file as configuration file (default: fmtutil.cnf) --help or -h show some help text --multiplatform or -m operate in all platform-specific directories (default: operate only in the directory for this platform) --silent or -s silently skip over existing scripts/binaries instead of printing a warning --unlink or -u Unlink previously created symlinks --verbose or -v +set verbose mode on (default: off) FILES
fmtutil.cnf default configuration file SEE ALSO
fmtutil(1), fmtutil.cnf(5) Web page: <> BUGS
None known, but report any bugs found to <> (mailing list). AUTHOR
texlinks was written by Thomas Esser <> in 1999. texlinks has been released into the public domain. This manual page was written by C.M. Connelly <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system. It may be used by other distributions with- out contacting the author. Any mistakes or omissions in the manual page are my fault; inquiries about or corrections to this manual page should be directed to me (and not to the primary author). teTeX November 2007 texlinks(8)
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