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teamd(8) [centos man page]

TEAMD(8)							    Team daemon 							  TEAMD(8)

teamd -- team network device control daemon SYNOPSIS
teamd -k [-p pid_file] [-g] teamd -e [-p pid_file] [-g] teamd -c config_text [-p pid_file] [-gdrD] [-Z address] teamd -f config_file [-p pid_file] [-gdrD] [-Z address] teamd -h|-V DESCRIPTION
teamd is a daemon to control a given team network device, during runtime, as a puppeteer controls a puppet. It uses libteam to communicate with the kernel team device instance via Netlink sockets. The behaviour depends on the selected runner and its configuration. This daemon is part of the libteam project. OPTIONS
-h, --help Print help text to console and exit. -V, --version Print version information to console and exit. -d, --daemonize Daemonize after startup. -k, --kill Kill running daemon instance. -e, --check Return 0 if a daemon is already running. -f filename, --config-file filename Load the specified configuration file. -c text, --config text Use given JSON format configuration string. If this option is present then -f option will be ignored. -p filename, --pid-file filename Use the specified PID file. -g, --debug Turns on debugging messages. Repeating the option increases verbosity. -r, --force-recreate Force team device recreation in case it already exists. -o, --take-over Take over the device if it already exists. This option also ensures that the team device is not removed after teamd finishes. -t devicename, --team-dev devicename Use the specified team device name (overrides "device" key in the configuration). -n, --no-ports Start without ports, even if they are listed in the configuration. -D, --dbus-enable Enable D-Bus interface. -Z address, --zmq-enable address Enable ZMQ interface. Possible address formats are "tcp://ip:port", "ipc://path" and others. Detailed description of ZMQ library is in page -U, --usock-enable Enable UNIX domain socket interface. This is enabled by default. -u, --usock-disable Disable UNIX domain socket interface. SEE ALSO
teamdctl(8), teamd.conf(5), teamnl(8), bond2team(1) AUTHOR
Jiri Pirko is the original author and current maintainer of libteam. libteam 2013-07-10 TEAMD(8)

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TH-CMD(1)							Triggerhappy daemon							 TH-CMD(1)

th-cmd -- triggerhappy commander SYNOPSIS
th-cmd --socket <socket> [--passfd] [--tag <foo>] [--clear|--enable|--disable|--mode <mode>|--quit|--udev|--add <devices...>|--remove <devices...>] DESCRIPTION
This program is used to issue commands to a running triggerhappy daemon. It utilizes an unix domain socket bound by the daemon. OPTIONS
--socket socket The socket file opened by the running triggerhappy daemon instance. --add <devices...> Instruct the running daemon to open the input devices specified on the command line --remove <devices...> Remove specified devices from the running daemon. --clear Remove all devices from the running daemon. --udev Deduce operation and device name from udev environment (for use in udev rules). --disable Disable the execution of triggers. --enable Re-enable the execution of triggers. --mode <newmode> Change the mode of the triggerhappy daemon to <newmode>. If no new mode is specified, the daemon switches to default mode. --quit Terminate the triggerhappy daemon. --passfd Instead of instructing the daemon to open the device, open the device and pass the file descriptor to the daemon. This allows the adding of new devices to a daemon having dropped its privileges, however the th-cmd process must have access to the device file. --grab Grab the device; the triggerhappy daemon will try to get exclusive access to the device, other applications will not receive the events emitted by it. --tag foo Label the added device with the tag <foo>; this can be used to limit the scope of event handlers to a subset of input devices. AUTHOR
Stefan Tomanek <> 0.3.4 2011-05-10 TH-CMD(1)
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