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teamnl(8) [centos man page]

TEAMNL(8)						      Team Netlink Interface							 TEAMNL(8)

teamnl -- team network device Netlink interface tool SYNOPSIS
teamnl [-p port_name] [-a array_index] team_device command [command_args...] teamnl -h DESCRIPTION
teamnl is a tool enabling interaction with a team device via the team driver Netlink interface. This tools serves mainly for debugging pur- poses. Note that it makes no sense to use this tool to change options on team device controlled by a teamd instance. OPTIONS
-h, --help Print help text to console and exit. -p ifname, --port_name ifname Select per-port option of provided interface name. -a index, --array_index index Select array option of provided array index. COMMAND
ports Dumps team ports. option Dumps team options. getoption opt_name Gets option by selected name. setoption opt_name opt_value Sets option by selected name. monitor opt_style Monitors changes made to options, ports and interface information. Style can be either "changed" (default) or "all". SEE ALSO
teamd(8), teamdctl(8), teamd.conf(5) AUTHOR
Jiri Pirko is the original author and current maintainer of libteam. libteam 2013-04-01 TEAMNL(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

get-branches(1) 					      General Commands Manual						   get-branches(1)

get-branches - downloads all branches related to a Launchpad team or person SYNOPSIS
get-branches [-d directory] [-o branch|checkout] -t team get-branches team get-branches --help DESCRIPTION
get-branches uses the LP API to get a list of branches for a person or team and calls Bazaar to download all branches. OPTIONS
Listed below are the command line options for get-branches: -h, --help Display a help message and exit. -d, --directory Download branches to a directory other than the current directory. -o, --operation Specifies which Bazaar operation to use when downloading the branches; may be either branch or checkout. -t, --team Specifies which Launchpad team/person to download branches from. This option is required. AUTHORS
get-branches was written by Daniel Holbach <>, and this manual page was written by Jonathan Patrick Davies <>. Both are released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3. SEE ALSO
bzr(1) ubuntu-dev-tools 11 August 2008 get-branches(1)
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