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runit(8) [centos man page]

runit(8)                                                      System Manager's Manual                                                     runit(8)

runit - a UNIX process no 1 SYNOPSIS
runit must be run as Unix process no 1. It performs the system's booting, running, and shutdown in three stages: STAGE 1 runit runs /etc/runit/1 and waits for it to terminate. The system's one time tasks are done here. /etc/runit/1 has full control of /dev/console to be able to start an emergency shell if the one time initialization tasks fail. If /etc/runit/1 crashes, or exits 100, runit will skip stage 2 and enter stage 3. STAGE 2 runit runs /etc/runit/2, which should not return until system shutdown; if it crashes, or exits 111, it will be restarted. Normally /etc/runit/2 starts runsvdir(8). runit is able to handle the ctrl-alt-del keyboard request in stage 2, see below. STAGE 3 If runit is told to shutdown the system, or stage 2 returns, it terminates stage 2 if it is running, and runs /etc/runit/3. The systems tasks to shutdown and possibly halt or reboot the system are done here. If stage 3 returns, runit checks if the file /etc/runit/reboot exists and has the execute by owner permission set. If so, the system is rebooted, it's halted otherwise. CTRL-ALT-DEL If runit receives the ctrl-alt-del keyboard request and the file /etc/runit/ctrlaltdel exists and has the execute by owner permission set, runit runs /etc/runit/ctrlaltdel, waits for it to terminate, and then sends itself a CONT signal. SIGNALS
runit only accepts signals in stage 2. If runit receives a CONT signal and the file /etc/runit/stopit exists and has the execute by owner permission set, runit is told to shut- down the system. if runit receives an INT signal, a ctrl-alt-del keyboard request is triggered. SEE ALSO
runit-init(8), runsvdir(8), runsvchdir(8), sv(8), runsv(8), chpst(8), utmpset(8), svlogd(8) AUTHOR
Gerrit Pape <> runit(8)

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runsvdir(8)                                                   System Manager's Manual                                                  runsvdir(8)

runsvdir - starts and monitors a collection of runsv(8) processes SYNOPSIS
runsvdir [-P] dir [ log ] DESCRIPTION
dir must be a directory. log is a space holder for a readproctitle log, and must be at least seven characters long or absent. runsvdir starts a runsv(8) process for each subdirectory, or symlink to a directory, in the services directory dir, up to a limit of 1000 subdirectories, and restarts a runsv(8) process if it terminates. runsvdir skips subdirectory names starting with dots. runsv(8) must be in runsvdir's PATH. At least every five seconds runsvdir checks whether the time of last modification, the inode, or the device, of the services directory dir has changed. If so, it re-scans the service directory, and if it sees a new subdirectory, or new symlink to a directory, in dir, it starts a new runsv(8) process; if runsvdir sees a subdirectory being removed that was previously there, it sends the corresponding runsv(8) process a TERM signal, stops monitoring this process, and so does not restart the runsv(8) process if it exits. If the log argument is given to runsvdir, all output to standard error is redirected to this log, which is similar to the daemontools' readproctitle log. To see the most recent error messages, use a process-listing tool such as ps(1). runsvdir writes a dot to the read- proctitle log every 15 minutes so that old error messages expire. OPTIONS
-P use setsid(2) to run each runsv(8) process in a new session and separate process group. SIGNALS
If runsvdir receives a TERM signal, it exits with 0 immediately. If runsvdir receives a HUP signal, it sends a TERM signal to each runsv(8) process it is monitoring and then exits with 111. SEE ALSO
sv(8), runsv(8), runsvchdir(8), runit(8), runit-init(8), chpst(8), svlogd(8), utmpset(8), setsid(2) AUTHOR
Gerrit Pape <> runsvdir(8)
Man Page