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pam_localuser(8) [centos man page]

PAM_LOCALUSER(8)						 Linux-PAM Manual						  PAM_LOCALUSER(8)

pam_localuser - require users to be listed in /etc/passwd SYNOPSIS [debug] [file=/path/passwd] DESCRIPTION
pam_localuser is a PAM module to help implementing site-wide login policies, where they typically include a subset of the network's users and a few accounts that are local to a particular workstation. Using pam_localuser and pam_wheel or pam_listfile is an effective way to restrict access to either local users and/or a subset of the network's users. This could also be implemented using and a very short awk script invoked by cron, but it's common enough to have been separated out. OPTIONS
debug Print debug information. file=/path/passwd Use a file other than /etc/passwd. MODULE TYPES PROVIDED
All module types (account, auth, password and session) are provided. RETURN VALUES
PAM_SUCCESS The new localuser was set successfully. PAM_SERVICE_ERR No username was given. PAM_USER_UNKNOWN User not known. EXAMPLES
Add the following line to /etc/pam.d/su to allow only local users in group wheel to use su. account sufficient account required FILES
/etc/passwd Local user account information. SEE ALSO
pam.conf(5), pam.d(5), pam(8) AUTHOR
pam_localuser was written by Nalin Dahyabhai <>. Linux-PAM Manual 09/19/2013 PAM_LOCALUSER(8)

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PAM_WHEEL(8)							 Linux-PAM Manual						      PAM_WHEEL(8)

pam_wheel - Only permit root access to members of group wheel SYNOPSIS [debug] [deny] [group=name] [root_only] [trust] [use_uid] DESCRIPTION
The pam_wheel PAM module is used to enforce the so-called wheel group. By default it permits root access to the system if the applicant user is a member of the wheel group. If no group with this name exist, the module is using the group with the group-ID 0. OPTIONS
debug Print debug information. deny Reverse the sense of the auth operation: if the user is trying to get UID 0 access and is a member of the wheel group (or the group of the group option), deny access. Conversely, if the user is not in the group, return PAM_IGNORE (unless trust was also specified, in which case we return PAM_SUCCESS). group=name Instead of checking the wheel or GID 0 groups, use the name group to perform the authentication. root_only The check for wheel membership is done only. trust The pam_wheel module will return PAM_SUCCESS instead of PAM_IGNORE if the user is a member of the wheel group (thus with a little play stacking the modules the wheel members may be able to su to root without being prompted for a passwd). use_uid The check for wheel membership will be done against the current uid instead of the original one (useful when jumping with su from one account to another for example). MODULE TYPES PROVIDED
The auth and account module types are provided. RETURN VALUES
PAM_AUTH_ERR Authentication failure. PAM_BUF_ERR Memory buffer error. PAM_IGNORE The return value should be ignored by PAM dispatch. PAM_PERM_DENY Permission denied. PAM_SERVICE_ERR Cannot determine the user name. PAM_SUCCESS Success. PAM_USER_UNKNOWN User not known. EXAMPLES
The root account gains access by default (rootok), only wheel members can become root (wheel) but Unix authenticate non-root applicants. su auth sufficient su auth required su auth required SEE ALSO
pam.conf(5), pam.d(5), pam(8) AUTHOR
pam_wheel was written by Cristian Gafton <>. Linux-PAM Manual 09/19/2013 PAM_WHEEL(8)
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