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kas_stringtokey(8) [centos man page]

KAS_STRINGTOKEY(8)					       AFS Command Reference						KAS_STRINGTOKEY(8)

kas_stringtokey - Converts a character string into an octal key SYNOPSIS
kas stringtokey -string <password string> [-cell <cell name>] [-help] kas str -s <password string> [-c <cell name>] [-h] DESCRIPTION
The kas stringtokey command converts the character string specified with the -string argument into an octal string suitable for use as an encryption key. The kas command interpreter generates the octal key by using an encryption algorithm on the combination of the specified string and the name of the local cell (as recorded in the local /etc/openafs/ThisCell file). Use the -cell argument to convert a string into a key appropriate for a cell other than the local one. CAUTIONS
This command writes the key to the standard output stream, on which it can possibly be intercepted by third parties. It is not very secure to use the key in an actual Authentication Database entry. OPTIONS
-string <password string> Specifies the character string to convert into an octal key. -cell <cell name> Specifies the complete Internet domain name of the cell to combine with the password string while generating the key. If this argument is omitted, the kas command interpreter determines the name of the local cell by consulting: o First, the value of the environment variable AFSCELL. o Second, the cellname in the /etc/openafs/ThisCell file on the local machine. -help Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options are ignored. OUTPUT
The output is of the following form: Converting I<password string> in realm 'I<cell_name>' yields key='I<key>'. EXAMPLES
The following example shows the octal key equivalent of the string "new_pswd" in the ABC Corporation cell. % kas stringtokey new_pswd Converting new_pswd in realm 'ABC.COM' yields key='346307364320263233342354'. PRIVILEGE REQUIRED
None, and no password is required. SEE ALSO
ThisCell(5), kas(8) COPYRIGHT
IBM Corporation 2000. <> All Rights Reserved. This documentation is covered by the IBM Public License Version 1.0. It was converted from HTML to POD by software written by Chas Williams and Russ Allbery, based on work by Alf Wachsmann and Elizabeth Cassell. OpenAFS 2012-03-26 KAS_STRINGTOKEY(8)

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KAS_DELETE(8)						       AFS Command Reference						     KAS_DELETE(8)

kas_delete - Deletes an entry from the Authentication Database SYNOPSIS
kas delete -name <name of user> [-admin_username <admin principal to use for authentication>] [-password_for_admin <admin password>] [-cell <cell name>] [-servers <explicit list of authentication servers>+] [-noauth] [-help] kas d -na <name of user> [-a <admin principal to use for authentication>] [-p <admin password>] [-c <cell name>] [-s <explicit list of authentication servers>+] [-no] [-h] kas rm -na <name of user> [-a <admin principal to use for authentication>] [-p <admin password>] [-c <cell name>] [-s <explicit list of authentication servers>+] [-no] [-h] DESCRIPTION
The kas delete command removes from the Authentication Database the user entry named by the -name argument. The indicated user becomes unable to log in, or the indicated server becomes unreachable (because the Authentication Server's Ticket Granting Service module no longer has a key with which to seal tickets for the server). OPTIONS
-name <name of user> Names the Authentication Database entry to delete. -admin_username <admin principal> Specifies the user identity under which to authenticate with the Authentication Server for execution of the command. For more details, see kas(8). -password_for_admin <admin password> Specifies the password of the command's issuer. If it is omitted (as recommended), the kas command interpreter prompts for it and does not echo it visibly. For more details, see kas(8). -cell <cell name> Names the cell in which to run the command. For more details, see kas(8). -servers <authentication servers>+ Names each machine running an Authentication Server with which to establish a connection. For more details, see kas(8). -noauth Assigns the unprivileged identity "anonymous" to the issuer. For more details, see kas(8). -help Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options are ignored. EXAMPLES
The following example shows the administrative user "admin" entering interactive mode to delete three accounts. % kas Password for admin: ka> delete smith ka> delete pat ka> delete terry PRIVILEGE REQUIRED
The issuer must have the "ADMIN" flag set on his or her Authentication Database entry. SEE ALSO
kas(8), kas_create(8) COPYRIGHT
IBM Corporation 2000. <> All Rights Reserved. This documentation is covered by the IBM Public License Version 1.0. It was converted from HTML to POD by software written by Chas Williams and Russ Allbery, based on work by Alf Wachsmann and Elizabeth Cassell. OpenAFS 2012-03-26 KAS_DELETE(8)
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