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iso8601(8) [centos man page]

PACEMAKER(8)						  System Administration Utilities					      PACEMAKER(8)

Pacemaker - Part of the Pacemaker cluster resource manager SYNOPSIS
iso8601 command [output modifier] DESCRIPTION
iso8601 - Display and parse ISO8601 dates and times OPTIONS
-?, --help This text -$, --version Version information -V, --verbose Increase debug output Commands: -n, --now Display the current date/time -d, --date=value Parse an ISO8601 date/time. Eg. '2005-01-20 00:30:00 +01:00' or '2005-040' -p, --period=value Parse an ISO8601 date/time with interval/period (wth start time). Eg. '2005-040/2005-043' -D, --duration=value Parse an ISO8601 date/time with duration (wth start time). Eg. '2005-040/P1M' -E, --expected=value Parse an ISO8601 date/time with duration (wth start time). Eg. '2005-040/P1M' Output Modifiers: -s, --seconds Show result as a seconds since 0000-001 00:00:00Z -S, --epoch Show result as a seconds since EPOCH (1970-001 00:00:00Z) -L, --local Show result as a 'local' date/time -O, --ordinal Show result as an 'ordinal' date/time -W, --week Show result as an 'calendar week' date/time For more information on the ISO8601 standard, see: AUTHOR
Written by Andrew Beekhof REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to Pacemaker 1.1.10-29.el7 June 2014 PACEMAKER(8)

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PACEMAKER(8)						  System Administration Utilities					      PACEMAKER(8)

Pacemaker - Part of the Pacemaker cluster resource manager SYNOPSIS
attrd_updater command -n attribute [options] DESCRIPTION
attrd_updater - Tool for updating cluster node attributes OPTIONS
-?, --help This text -$, --version Version information -V, --verbose Increase debug output -q, --quiet Print only the value on stdout -n, --name=value The attribute's name Commands: -U, --update=value Update the attribute's value in attrd. If this causes the value to change, it will also be updated in the cluster configuration -Q, --query Query the attribute's value from attrd -D, --delete Delete the attribute in attrd. If a value was previously set, it will also be removed from the cluster configuration -R, --refresh (Advanced) Force the attrd daemon to resend all current values to the CIB Additional options: -l, --lifetime=value Lifetime of the node attribute. Allowed values: forever, reboot -d, --delay=value The time to wait (dampening) in seconds further changes occur -s, --set=value (Advanced) The attribute set in which to place the value AUTHOR
Written by Andrew Beekhof REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to Pacemaker 1.1.7 April 2012 PACEMAKER(8)
Man Page

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