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ipmaddr(8) [centos man page]

IPMADDR(8)																IPMADDR(8)

ipmaddr - adds, deletes, and displays multicast addresses SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/ipmaddr [<operation>] [<args>] NOTE
This program is obsolete. For replacement check ip maddr. DESCRIPTION
The ipmaddr command can perform one of the following operations: add - add a multicast address del - delete a multicast address show - list multicast addresses SEE ALSO
ip(8). SEPTEMBER 2009 IPMADDR(8)

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setipv4sourcefilter(3N) 												   setipv4sourcefilter(3N)

setipv4sourcefilter() - set IPv4 multicast source filter state SYNOPSIS
This function sets the multicast source filter state for an IPv4 multicast group on a given socket. This function can be used to join a multicast group by specifying a filter mode of (with or without a source list), or by specifying a filter mode of with a non-empty source list. If the multicast group is already joined, this function replaces the existing filter mode and source list with the ones provided. This function can be used to leave a multicast group by specifying a filter mode of and an empty source list. Parameters s Specifies the descriptor identifying the socket. The socket address family must be and the socket type must be interface Holds the IPv4 address of a local interface, or If set to the system chooses a multicast group by matching the multicast address only; or when joining a group, the system chooses the interface that datagrams for the group would be sent from, based on the routing configuration. group Holds the IPv4 multicast address of the group. fmode Identifies the filter mode. The value of this field must be either or which are defined in numsrc Holds the number of source addresses in the slist array. slist Points to an array of IPv4 addresses of sources to include or exclude depending on the filter mode. RETURN VALUES
returns the following values: Successful completion. Failure. is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
If fails, is set to one of the following values: The argument s is not a valid descriptor. This function is not supported by the socket type. Insufficient memory is available for internal system data structures. numsrc exceeds the maximum number of sources allowed, as determined by the ndd tunable parameters and The specified IP address is not a local interface address; or trying to leave an unjoined group. group is not an IPv4 multicast address; or slist contains an invalid source address; or the specified filter mode is not valid. AUTHOR
was developed by HP and the IETF. SEE ALSO
ndd(1M), socket(2), getipv4sourcefilter(3N), getsourcefilter(3N), setsourcefilter(3N), ip(7P), ip6(7P). STANDARDS CONFORMANCE
RFC 3678 setipv4sourcefilter(3N)
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