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getenforce(8) [centos man page]

getenforce(8)						SELinux Command Line documentation					     getenforce(8)

getenforce - get the current mode of SELinux SYNOPSIS
getenforce DESCRIPTION
getenforce reports whether SELinux is enforcing, permissive, or disabled. AUTHOR
Dan Walsh, <> SEE ALSO
selinux(8), setenforce(8), selinuxenabled(8) 7 April 2004 getenforce(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

setsebool(8)						SELinux Command Line documentation					      setsebool(8)

setsebool - set SELinux boolean value SYNOPSIS
setsebool [ -PNV ] boolean value | bool1=val1 bool2=val2 ... DESCRIPTION
setsebool sets the current state of a particular SELinux boolean or a list of booleans to a given value. The value may be 1 or true or on to enable the boolean, or 0 or false or off to disable it. Without the -P option, only the current boolean value is affected; the boot-time default settings are not changed. If the -P option is given, all pending values are written to the policy file on disk. So they will be persistent across reboots. If the -N option is given, the policy on disk is not reloaded into the kernel. If the -V option is given, verbose error messages will be printed from semanage libraries. AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Dan Walsh <>. The program was written by Tresys Technology. SEE ALSO
getsebool(8), booleans(8), togglesebool(8), semanage(8) 11 Aug 2004 setsebool(8)
Man Page

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