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amcrypt-ossl(8) [centos man page]

AMCRYPT-OSSL(8) 					  System Administration Commands					   AMCRYPT-OSSL(8)

amcrypt-ossl - crypt program for Amanda symmetric data encryption using OpenSSL SYNOPSIS
amcrypt-ossl [-d] DESCRIPTION
amcrypt-ossl uses OpenSSL to encrypt and decrypt data. OpenSSL is available from OpenSSL offers a wide variety of cipher choices ( amcrypt-ossl defaults to 256-bit AES) and can use hardware cryptographic accelerators on several platforms. amcrypt-ossl will search for the OpenSSL program in the following directories: /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/ssl/bin:/usr/local/ssl/bin. PASSPHRASE MANAGEMENT
amcrypt-ossl uses the same pass phrase to encrypt and decrypt data. It is very important to store and protect the pass phrase properly. Encrypted backup data can only be recovered with the correct passphrase. OpenSSL's key derivation routines use a salt to guard against dictionary attacks on the pass phrase; still it is important to pick a pass phrase that is hard to guess. The Diceware method (see can be used to create passphrases that are difficult to guess and easy to remember. FILES
/var/lib/amanda/.am_passphrase File containing the pass phrase. It should not be readable by any user other than the Amanda user. SEE ALSO
amanda(8), amanda.conf(5), openssl(1), amcrypt-ossl-asym(8) The Amanda Wiki: : AUTHOR
Kevin Till <> Zmanda, Inc. ( NOTES
1. 2. Amanda 3.3.3 01/10/2013 AMCRYPT-OSSL(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

AMCRYPTSIMPLE(8)					  System Administration Commands					  AMCRYPTSIMPLE(8)

amcryptsimple - reference simple crypt program for Amanda symmetric data encryption SYNOPSIS
amcryptsimple to be called by Amanda only DESCRIPTION
amcryptsimple calls gpg to perform symmetric data encryption on Amanda backup. amcryptsimple will search for the gpg program in the following directories: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin amcryptsimple uses one passphrase to encrypt the Amanda data and uses the same passphrase to decrypt the Amanda backup data. amcryptsimple uses AES256 as the symmetric cipher. HOW TO CREATE PASSPHRASE
Store the passphrase inside the home-directory of the Amanda user ($amanda_user) and protect it with proper permissions: echo my_secret_passphrase > ~$amanda_user/.am_passphrase chown $amanda_user:disk ~$amanda_user/.am_passphrase chmod 700 ~$amanda_user/.am_passphrase NOTES
Choose a good passphrase and protect it properly. Backup data can only be restored with the passphrase. There is no backdoor. If storing and securing passphrase in your environment presents challenges, Amanda provide public-key data encryption through amgpgcrypt. Public-key encryption uses the public key to encrypt and uses the private key to decrypt. SEE ALSO
amanda(8), amanda.conf(5), amcrypt(8), amgpgcrypt(8), amrestore(8), gpg(1) The Amanda Wiki: : AUTHOR
Kevin Till <> Zmanda, Inc. ( Amanda 3.3.3 01/10/2013 AMCRYPTSIMPLE(8)
Man Page

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