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drop_aggregate(7) [centos man page]

AGGREGATE(7) PostgreSQL 9.2.7 Documentation DROP AGGREGATE(7) NAME
DROP_AGGREGATE - remove an aggregate function SYNOPSIS
DROP AGGREGATE removes an existing aggregate function. To execute this command the current user must be the owner of the aggregate function. PARAMETERS
IF EXISTS Do not throw an error if the aggregate does not exist. A notice is issued in this case. name The name (optionally schema-qualified) of an existing aggregate function. argtype An input data type on which the aggregate function operates. To reference a zero-argument aggregate function, write * in place of the list of input data types. CASCADE Automatically drop objects that depend on the aggregate function. RESTRICT Refuse to drop the aggregate function if any objects depend on it. This is the default. EXAMPLES
To remove the aggregate function myavg for type integer: DROP AGGREGATE myavg(integer); COMPATIBILITY
There is no DROP AGGREGATE statement in the SQL standard. SEE ALSO

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DROP AGGREGATE - remove a user-defined aggregate function SYNOPSIS
DROP AGGREGATE name ( type ) [ CASCADE | RESTRICT ] INPUTS name The name (optionally schema-qualified) of an existing aggregate function. type The input data type of the aggregate function, or * if the function accepts any input type. (Refer to the PostgreSQL User's Guide for further information about data types.) [Comment: This should become a cross-reference rather than a hard-coded chapter number] CASCADE Automatically drop objects that depend on the aggregate. RESTRICT Refuse to drop the aggregate if there are any dependent objects. This is the default. OUTPUTS DROP AGGREGATE Message returned if the command is successful. ERROR: RemoveAggregate: aggregate 'name' for type type does not exist This message occurs if the aggregate function specified does not exist in the database. DESCRIPTION
DROP AGGREGATE will delete an existing aggregate definition. To execute this command the current user must be the owner of the aggregate. NOTES Use CREATE AGGREGATE [create_aggregate(7)] to create aggregate functions. USAGE
To remove the myavg aggregate for type int4: DROP AGGREGATE myavg(int4); COMPATIBILITY
SQL92 There is no DROP AGGREGATE statement in SQL92; the statement is a PostgreSQL language extension. SQL - Language Statements 2002-11-22 DROP AGGREGATE(7)
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