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rapid(6) [centos man page]

RAPID(6)							       Games								  RAPID(6)

rapid - content download tool for spring SYNOPSIS
rapid [options] <action> [<argument>] rapid-spring [options] <action> [<argument>] DESCRIPTION
Rapid manages downloads of content for the spring RTS engine. OPTIONS
action in the command line is one of: upgrade: Install the latest package for all pinned tags. clean-upgrade: Equivalent to 'upgrade' followed by 'uninstall-unpinned'. pin: Pins a tag and installs the latest package for that tag. unpin: Unpins a tag. Does not uninstall any packages. install: Install a package. Does not pin any tags. uninstall: Uninstall a package. Unpin its tag if any. list-tags: List all tags that contain <argument>. list-pinned-tags: Idem, but only pinned tags. list-packages: List all packages whose name contains <argument>. list-installed-packages: Idem, but only installed packages. uninstall-unpinned: Keep only the pinned tags and all dependencies. collect-pool: Remove pool files not needed by any installed package. make-sdd: Extract pool files into a .sdd archive. these are the possible options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --datadir=DATADIR Override the default data directory. (~/.spring on Linux or the one reported by unitsync on Windows) --unitsync Use unitsync to locate the data directory Spring uses. --no-unitsync Do not use unitsync. EXAMPLES
rapid pin xta:latest # installs latest XTA rapid pin s44:latest # installs latest Spring: 1944 rapid upgrade # upgrade all pinned tags SEE ALSO
rapid-gui(6), spring(6) AUTHOR
Tobi Vollebregt <> This manual page was written by Jan Dittberner <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). rapid August 2010 RAPID(6)

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RAPID(6)							       Games								  RAPID(6)

rapid - content download tool for spring SYNOPSIS
rapid [options] <action> [<argument>] rapid-spring [options] <action> [<argument>] DESCRIPTION
Rapid manages downloads of content for the spring RTS engine. OPTIONS
action in the command line is one of: upgrade: Install the latest package for all pinned tags. clean-upgrade: Equivalent to 'upgrade' followed by 'uninstall-unpinned'. pin: Pins a tag and installs the latest package for that tag. unpin: Unpins a tag. Does not uninstall any packages. install: Install a package. Does not pin any tags. uninstall: Uninstall a package. Unpin its tag if any. list-tags: List all tags that contain <argument>. list-pinned-tags: Idem, but only pinned tags. list-packages: List all packages whose name contains <argument>. list-installed-packages: Idem, but only installed packages. uninstall-unpinned: Keep only the pinned tags and all dependencies. collect-pool: Remove pool files not needed by any installed package. make-sdd: Extract pool files into a .sdd archive. these are the possible options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --datadir=DATADIR Override the default data directory. (~/.spring on Linux or the one reported by unitsync on Windows) --unitsync Use unitsync to locate the data directory Spring uses. --no-unitsync Do not use unitsync. EXAMPLES
rapid pin xta:latest # installs latest XTA rapid pin s44:latest # installs latest Spring: 1944 rapid upgrade # upgrade all pinned tags SEE ALSO
rapid-gui(6), spring(6) AUTHOR
Tobi Vollebregt <> This manual page was written by Jan Dittberner <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). rapid August 2010 RAPID(6)
Man Page