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systemd.scope(5) [centos man page]

SYSTEMD.SCOPE(5)						   systemd.scope						  SYSTEMD.SCOPE(5)

systemd.scope - Scope unit configuration SYNOPSIS
scope.scope DESCRIPTION
Scope units are not configured via unit configuration files, but are only created programmatically using the bus interfaces of systemd. They are named similar to filenames. A unit whose name ends in ".scope" refers to a scope unit. Scopes units manage a set of system processes. Unlike service units, scope units manage externally created processes, and do not fork off processes on its own. The main purpose of scope units is grouping worker processes of a system service for organization and for managing resources. systemd-run --scope may be used to easily launch a command in a new scope unit from the command line. See the New Control Group Interfaces[1] for an introduction how to make use of scope units from programs. Unless DefaultDependencies=false is used, scope units will implicitly have dependencies of type Conflicts= and Before= on These ensure that scope units are removed prior to system shutdown. Only scope units involved with early boot or late system shutdown should disable this option. SEE ALSO
systemd(1), systemd-run(1), systemd.unit(5), systemd.resource-control(5), systemd.service(5), systemd.directives(7). NOTES
1. New Control Group Interfaces systemd 208 SYSTEMD.SCOPE(5)

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SYSTEMD.SCOPE(5)                                                   systemd.scope                                                  SYSTEMD.SCOPE(5)

systemd.scope - Scope unit configuration SYNOPSIS
scope.scope DESCRIPTION
Scope units are not configured via unit configuration files, but are only created programmatically using the bus interfaces of systemd. They are named similar to filenames. A unit whose name ends in ".scope" refers to a scope unit. Scopes units manage a set of system processes. Unlike service units, scope units manage externally created processes, and do not fork off processes on its own. The main purpose of scope units is grouping worker processes of a system service for organization and for managing resources. systemd-run --scope may be used to easily launch a command in a new scope unit from the command line. See the New Control Group Interfaces[1] for an introduction on how to make use of scope units from programs. IMPLICIT DEPENDENCIES
Implicit dependencies may be added as result of resource control parameters as documented in systemd.resource-control(5). DEFAULT DEPENDENCIES
The following dependencies are added unless DefaultDependencies=no is set: o Scope units will automatically have dependencies of type Conflicts= and Before= on These ensure that scope units are removed prior to system shutdown. Only scope units involved with early boot or late system shutdown should disable DefaultDependencies= option. SEE ALSO
systemd(1), systemd-run(1), systemd.unit(5), systemd.resource-control(5), systemd.service(5), systemd.directives(7). NOTES
1. New Control Group Interfaces systemd 237 SYSTEMD.SCOPE(5)
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