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secmod.db(5) [centos man page]

SECMOD.DB(5)						     Network Security Services						      SECMOD.DB(5)

secmod.db - Legacy NSS security modules database DESCRIPTION
secmod.db is an NSS security modules database. The security modules database is used to keep track of the NSS security modules. The NSS security modules export their services via the PKCS #11 API which NSS uses as its Services Provider Interface. The command line utility modutil is used for managing PKCS #11 module information both within secmod.db files and within hardware tokens. For new applications the recommended way of tracking security modules is via the pkcs11.txt configuration file used in conjunction the new sqlite-based shared database format for certificate and key databases. FILES
/etc/pki/nssdb/secmod.db SEE ALSO
modutil(1), cert8.db(5), cert9.db(5), key3.db(5), key4.db(5), pkcs11.txt(5) AUTHORS
The nss libraries were written and maintained by developers with Netscape, Red Hat, Sun, Oracle, Mozilla, and Google. Authors: Elio Maldonado <>. LICENSE
Licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at nss 3.15.4 17 June 2014 SECMOD.DB(5)

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PP(1)								NSS Security Tools							     PP(1)

pp - Prints certificates, keys, crls, and pkcs7 files SYNOPSIS
pp -t type [-a] [-i input] [-o output] STATUS
This documentation is still work in progress. Please contribute to the initial review in Mozilla NSS bug 836477[1] DESCRIPTION
pp pretty-prints private and public key, certificate, certificate-request, pkcs7 or crl files OPTIONS
-t type specify the input, one of {private-key | public-key | certificate | certificate-request | pkcs7 | crl} -a Input is in ascii encoded form (RFC1113) -i inputfile Define an input file to use (default is stdin) -u outputfile Define an output file to use (default is stdout) ADDITIONAL RESOURCES
NSS is maintained in conjunction with PKI and security-related projects through Mozilla and Fedora. The most closely-related project is Dogtag PKI, with a project wiki at PKI Wiki[2]. For information specifically about NSS, the NSS project wiki is located at Mozilla NSS site[3]. The NSS site relates directly to NSS code changes and releases. Mailing lists: and IRC: Freenode at #dogtag-pki AUTHORS
The NSS tools were written and maintained by developers with Netscape, Red Hat, Sun, Oracle, Mozilla, and Google. Authors: Elio Maldonado <>, Deon Lackey <>. LICENSE
Licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at NOTES
1. Mozilla NSS bug 836477 2. PKI Wiki 3. Mozilla NSS site nss-tools 12 November 2013 PP(1)
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