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odbcinst.ini(5) [centos man page]

odbcinst.ini(5) 					       unixODBC manual pages						   odbcinst.ini(5)

/etc/odbcinst.ini - An unixODBC drivers configuration DESCRIPTION
/etc/odbcinst.ini is a text configuration file for unixODBC drivers. It can be edited by hand, but the recommended way to update this file is to use the odbcinst(1) utility. FILE FORMAT
The general .ini file format is: [SectionName1] key1 = value1 key2 = value2 ... [SectionName2] key1 = value1 key2 = value2 ... Each ODBC driver has its own section and can be referred to by the name of its section. Recognized configuration keys are: Description A text string briefly describing the driver. Driver A filesystem path to the actual driver library. Setup A filesystem path to the driver setup library. FileUsage odbcinst(1) entry, if you edit the configuration file by hand, you have to supply it yourself. TEMPLATE FILES The recommended way to manage the drivers is using the odbcinst(1) utility. You can install the drivers by supplying it with template file, which has the same format as this file. EXAMPLES
An example of the actual PostgreSQL driver: [PostgreSQL] Description = PostgreSQL driver for GNU/Linux Driver = /usr/lib/ Setup = /usr/lib/ FileUsage = 1 By specifying the driver like that, you can then reference it in the odbc.ini(5) as follows: Driver = PostgreSQL The recommended way to add that driver is by creating template file containg: [PostgreSQL] Description = PostgreSQL driver for GNU/Linux Driver = /usr/lib/ Setup = /usr/lib/ and call the odbcinst(1): # odbcinst -i -d -f template.ini SEE ALSO
odbcinst(1), odbc.ini(5) AUTHORS
The authors of unixODBC are Peter Harvey <> and Nick Gorham <>. For the full list of contributors see the AUTHORS file. COPYRIGHT
unixODBC is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. For details about the license, see the COPYING file. version 2.3.1 Thu 27 Jun 2013 odbcinst.ini(5)

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odbcinst(1)						       unixODBC manual pages						       odbcinst(1)

odbcinst - An unixODBC tool for manipulating configuration files SYNOPSIS
odbcinst is a command line tool which has been created for allowing people who are developing the install scripts/RPMs for Drivers to be able to easily create/remove entries in odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini. This command line tool is a complement to the shared library of the same name ( This tool is a part of the odbcinst component of unixODBC. OPTIONS
ACTIONS -i Install (add section to config file) new OBJECT. -u Uninstall (remove section from config file) existing OBJECT. -q Query the config files and print the options for specified OBJECT. -j Prints current configuration of unixODBC, listing (among others) the paths to the configuration files. -c Calls SQLCreateDataSource -m Calls SQLManageDataSources --version Prints program version and exits. OBJECTS -d The ACTION affect drivers (and thus the odbcinst.ini configuration file). -s The ACTION affect data sources (and thus the user or system odbc.ini configuration file). OPTIONS -f FILE The FILE is template file, describing the configuration of installed OBJECT (only valid for the -i ACTION). -r Same as the -f OPTION, only take the standard input as the template file. -n NAME Specifies the NAME of the OBJECT. -v Turn off verbose mode. This turns off all information, warning and error messages. -l The specified data source is system-wide. Has any effect only with the -s OBJECT. -h The specified data source is user-specific. Has any effect only with the -s OBJECT. RETURN VALUES
This command returns zero on success and non-zero value on failure. FILES
/etc/odbinst.ini Configuration file containing all the database drivers specifications. See odbcinst.ini(5) for more details. /etc/odbc.ini System-wide data sources specifications. See odbc.ini(5) for more details. $HOME/.odbc.ini User-specific data sources specifications. See odbc.ini(5) for more details. SEE ALSO
odbcinst.ini(5), odbc.ini(5) AUTHORS
The authors of unixODBC are Peter Harvey <> and Nick Gorham <>. For the full list of contributors see the AUTHORS file. COPYRIGHT
unixODBC is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. For details about the license, see the COPYING file. version 2.3.1 Wed 26 Jun 2013 odbcinst(1)
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