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firewalld.icmptype(5) [centos man page]

FIREWALLD.ICMPTYPE(5)						firewalld.icmptype					     FIREWALLD.ICMPTYPE(5)

firewalld.icmptype - firewalld icmptype configuration files SYNOPSIS
/etc/firewalld/icmptypes/icmptype.xml /usr/lib/firewalld/icmptypes/icmptype.xml DESCRIPTION
A firewalld icmptype configuration file provides the information for an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) type for firewalld. This example configuration file shows the structure of an icmptype configuration file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <icmptype> <short>My Icmptype</short> <description>description</description> <destination ipv4="yes" ipv6="yes"/> </icmptype> OPTIONS
The config can contain these tags and attributes. Some of them are mandatory, others optional. icmptype The mandatory icmptype start and end tag defines the icmptype. This tag can only be used once in an icmptype configuration file. This tag has optional attributes: version="string" To give the icmptype a version. short Is an optional start and end tag and is used to give an icmptype a more readable name. description Is an optional start and end tag to have a description for a icmptype. destination Is an optional empty-element tag and can be used only once. The destination tag specifies if an icmptype entry is available for IPv4 and/or IPv6. The default is IPv4 and IPv6, where this tag can be missing. ipv4="bool" Describes if the icmptype is available for IPv4. ipv6="bool" Describes if the icmptype is available for IPv6. SEE ALSO
firewall-applet(1), firewalld(1), firewall-cmd(1), firewall-config(1), firewalld.conf(5),, firewalld.icmptype(5), firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5), firewall-offline-cmd(1), firewalld.richlanguage(5), firewalld.service(5),, firewalld.zones(5) NOTES
firewalld home page at More documentation with examples: AUTHORS
Thomas Woerner <> Developer Jiri Popelka <> Developer firewalld 0.3.9 FIREWALLD.ICMPTYPE(5)

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FIREWALL-APPLET(1)						  firewall-applet						FIREWALL-APPLET(1)

firewall-applet - firewalld applet SYNOPSIS
firewall-applet [OPTIONS...] DESCRIPTION
firewall-applet is a tray applet for firewalld. OPTIONS
firewall-applet does not support any special options. The only options that can be used are the general options that Gtk uses for Gtk application initialization. For more information on these options, please have a look at the runtime documentation for Gtk. The following options are supported: -h, --help Prints a short help text and exists. GSETTINGS
firewall-applet has additional settings to adapt the look and feel. The used backend depends on the distribution and can be either dconf or GConf. The path to the settings is org.fedoraproject.FirewallApplet. You can use dconf-editor or gconf-editor to see and modify them. The following settings are supported: notifications The applet shows notifications if enabled. This setting can be enabled also in the applet with the "Enable Notifications" checkbox in the right mouse menu. This setting defaults to false. If notifications are shown for these actions if enabled: o Connection to firewalld established o Connection to firewalld lost o Firewall has been reloaded o Default zone has been changed o Panic mode has been enabled or disabled o Activation, deactivation or change of zones bound to interfaces o Activation, deactivation or change of zones bound to sources addresses show-inactive Show applet also if firewalld is not running. If firewalld has been stopped or is not running the applet will be hidden and not visible in the applet tray. Enable this setting to see the applet all the time for example to be sure that the firewall is active. This setting defaults to false. shields-up The shields-up zone name to be used if shields-up is enabled. This setting defaults to 'block'. shields-down The shields-down zone name to be used if shields-up has been deactivated again. This setting defaults to 'public'. blink If enabled, the applet icon blinks in these cases: o Connection to firewalld lost o Panic mode has been enabled or disabled This setting defaults to false. blink-count The number of blinks if blink is enabled. This setting defaults to 5. SEE ALSO
firewall-applet(1), firewalld(1), firewall-cmd(1), firewall-config(1), firewalld.conf(5),, firewalld.icmptype(5), firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5), firewall-offline-cmd(1), firewalld.richlanguage(5), firewalld.service(5),, firewalld.zones(5) NOTES
firewalld home page at More documentation with examples: AUTHORS
Thomas Woerner <> Developer Jiri Popelka <> Developer firewalld 0.3.9 FIREWALL-APPLET(1)
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