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glxquerydrawable(3g) [centos man page]


glXQueryDrawable - returns an attribute assoicated with a GLX drawable C SPECIFICATION
int glXQueryDrawable(Display * dpy, GLXDrawable draw, int attribute, unsigned int * value); PARAMETERS
dpy Specifies the connection to the X server. draw Specifies the GLX drawable to be queried. attribute Specifies the attribute to be returned. Must be one of GLX_WIDTH, GLX_HEIGHT, GLX_PRESERVED_CONTENTS, GLX_LARGEST_PBUFFER, or GLX_FBCONFIG_ID. value Contains the return value for attribute. DESCRIPTION
glXQueryDrawable sets value to the value of attribute with respect to the GLXDrawable draw. attribute may be one of the following: GLX_WIDTH Returns the width of ctx. GLX_HEIGHT Returns the height of ctx. GLX_PRESERVED_CONTENTS Returns True if the contents of a GLXPbuffer are preserved when a resource conflict occurs; False otherwise. GLX_LARGEST_PBUFFER Returns the value set when glXCreatePbuffer was called to create the GLXPbuffer. If False is returned, then the call to glXCreatePbuffer will fail to create a GLXPbuffer if the requested size is larger than the implementation maximum or available resources. If True is returned, a GLXPbuffer of the maximum availble size (if less than the requested width and height) is created. GLX_FBCONFIG_ID Returns the XID for draw. If draw is a GLXWindow or GLXPixmap and attribute is set to GLX_PRESERVED_CONTENTS or GLX_LARGETST_PBUFFER, the contents of value are undefined. If attribute is not one of the attributes listed above, the contents of value are unedfined. ERRORS
A GLXBadDrawable is generated if draw is not a valid GLXDrawable. SEE ALSO
glXCreateWindow(), glXCreatePixmap(), glXCreatePbuffer(), glXGetFBConfigAttrib(), glXChooseFBConfig() COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 1991-2006 Silicon Graphics, Inc. This document is licensed under the SGI Free Software B License. For details, see AUTHORS 06/10/2014 GLXQUERYDRAWABLE(3G)

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GLXCREATEPIXMAP(3G)						   OpenGL Manual					       GLXCREATEPIXMAP(3G)

glXCreatePixmap - create an off-screen rendering area C SPECIFICATION
GLXPixmap glXCreatePixmap(Display * dpy, GLXFBConfig config, Pixmap pixmap, const int * attrib_list); PARAMETERS
dpy Specifies the connection to the X server. config Specifies a GLXFBConfig structure with the desired attributes for the window. pixmap Specifies the X pixmap to be used as the rendering area. attrib_list Currently unused. This must be set to NULL or be an empty list (i.e., one in which the first element is None). DESCRIPTION
glXCreatePixmap creates an off-screen rendering area and returns its XID. Any GLX rendering context that was created with respect to config can be used to render into this window. Use glXMakeCurrent() to associate the rendering area with a GLX rendering context. NOTES
glXCreatePixmap is available only if the GLX version is 1.3 or greater. If the GLX version is 1.1 or 1.0, the GL version must be 1.0. If the GLX version is 1.2, then the GL version must be 1.1. If the GLX version is 1.3, then the GL version must be 1.2. ERRORS
BadMatch is generated if pixmap was not created with a visual that corresponds to config. BadMatch is generated if config does not support rendering to windows (e.g., GLX_DRAWABLE_TYPE does not contain GLX_WINDOW_BIT). BadWindow is generated if pixmap is not a valid window XID. BadAlloc is generated if there is already a GLXFBConfig associated with pixmap. BadAlloc is generated if the X server cannot allocate a new GLX window. GLXBadFBConfig is generated if config is not a valid GLXFBConfig. SEE ALSO
glXChooseFBConfig(), glXCreateGLXPixmap(), glXDestroyWindow(), glXMakeContextCurrent() COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 1991-2006 Silicon Graphics, Inc. This document is licensed under the SGI Free Software B License. For details, see AUTHORS 06/10/2014 GLXCREATEPIXMAP(3G)
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