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zip_get_file_comment(3) [centos man page]

ZIP_GET_FILE_COMMENT(3) 				     Library Functions Manual					   ZIP_GET_FILE_COMMENT(3)

zip_get_file_comment - get comment for file in zip LIBRARY
libzip (-lzip) SYNOPSIS
#include <zip.h> const char * zip_get_file_comment(struct zip *archive, zip_uint64_t index, int *lenp, int flags); DESCRIPTION
The zip_get_file_comment function returns the comment for the file at position index in the zip archive. This pointer should not be modi- fied or free(3) Ap d. If lenp is not NULL, the integer to which it points will be set to the length of the comment. If flags is set to ZIP_FL_UNCHANGED, the original unchanged comment is returned. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, a pointer to the comment is returned, or NULL if there is no comment. In case of an error, NULL is returned and the error code in archive is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
zip_get_file_comment fails if: [ZIP_ER_INVAL] index is not a valid file index in archive. SEE ALSO
libzip(3), zip_get_archive_comment(3) AUTHORS
Dieter Baron <> and Thomas Klausner <> NiH March 10, 2009 ZIP_GET_FILE_COMMENT(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

ZIP_SET_FILE_COMMENT(3) 				     Library Functions Manual					   ZIP_SET_FILE_COMMENT(3)

zip_set_file_comment - set comment for file in zip LIBRARY
libzip (-lzip) SYNOPSIS
#include <zip.h> int zip_set_file_comment(struct zip *archive, zip_uint64_t index); "const char *comment" "int len" DESCRIPTION
The zip_set_file_comment function sets the comment for the file at position index in the zip archive to comment of length len. If comment is NULL and len is 0, the file comment will be removed. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion 0 is returned. Otherwise, -1 is returned and the error information in archive is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
zip_set_file_comment fails if: [ZIP_ER_INVAL] index is not a valid file index in archive, or len is less than 0 or longer than the maximum comment length in a zip file (65535). [ZIP_ER_MEMORY] Required memory could not be allocated. SEE ALSO
libzip(3), zip_get_archive_comment(3), zip_get_file_comment(3), zip_set_archive_comment(3) AUTHORS
Dieter Baron <> and Thomas Klausner <> NiH March 10, 2009 ZIP_SET_FILE_COMMENT(3)
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