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xmlistpostobounds(3) [centos man page]

XmListPosToBounds(library call) 										   XmListPosToBounds(library call)

XmListPosToBounds -- A List function that returns the bounding box of an item at a specified position in a list SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/List.h> Boolean XmListPosToBounds( Widget widget, int position, Position *x, Position *y, Dimension *width, Dimension *height); DESCRIPTION
XmListPosToBounds returns the coordinates of an item within a list and the dimensions of its bounding box. The function returns the associ- ated x and y-coordinates of the upper left corner of the bounding box relative to the upper left corner of the List widget, as well as the width and the height of the box. The caller can pass a NULL value for the x, y, width, or height parameters to indicate that the return value for that parameter is not requested. widget Specifies the ID of the List widget. position Specifies the position of the specified item. A value of 1 indicates the first item in the list; a value of 2 indicates the sec- ond item; and so on. A value of 0 (zero) specifies the last item in the list. x Specifies a pointer to the returned x-coordinate of the item. y Specifies the pointer to the returned y-coordinate of the item. width Specifies the pointer to the returned width of the item. height Specifies the pointer to the returned height of the item. For a complete definition of List and its associated resources, see XmList(3). RETURN
If the item at the specified position is not visible, returns False, and the returned values (if any) are undefined. Otherwise, this func- tion returns True. RELATED
XmList(3) and XmListYToPos(3). XmListPosToBounds(library call)

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XmListPosToBounds(library call) 										   XmListPosToBounds(library call)

XmListPosToBounds -- A List function that returns the bounding box of an item at a specified position in a list SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/List.h> Boolean XmListPosToBounds( Widget widget, int position, Position *x, Position *y, Dimension *width, Dimension *height); DESCRIPTION
XmListPosToBounds returns the coordinates of an item within a list and the dimensions of its bounding box. The function returns the associ- ated x and y-coordinates of the upper left corner of the bounding box relative to the upper left corner of the List widget, as well as the width and the height of the box. The caller can pass a NULL value for the x, y, width, or height parameters to indicate that the return value for that parameter is not requested. widget Specifies the ID of the List widget. position Specifies the position of the specified item. A value of 1 indicates the first item in the list; a value of 2 indicates the sec- ond item; and so on. A value of 0 (zero) specifies the last item in the list. x Specifies a pointer to the returned x-coordinate of the item. y Specifies the pointer to the returned y-coordinate of the item. width Specifies the pointer to the returned width of the item. height Specifies the pointer to the returned height of the item. For a complete definition of List and its associated resources, see XmList(3). RETURN
If the item at the specified position is not visible, returns False, and the returned values (if any) are undefined. Otherwise, this func- tion returns True. RELATED
XmList(3) and XmListYToPos(3). XmListPosToBounds(library call)
Man Page

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