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xkbsetdevicebuttonactions(3) [centos man page]

XkbSetDeviceButtonActions(3)					   XKB FUNCTIONS				      XkbSetDeviceButtonActions(3)

XkbSetDeviceButtonActions - Change only the button actions for an input extension device SYNOPSIS
Bool XkbSetDeviceButtonActions (Display *dpy, XkbDeviceInfoPtr device, unsigned int first_button, unsigned int num_buttons); ARGUMENTS
- dpy connection to X server - device structure defining the device and modifications - first_button number of first button to update, 0 relative - num_buttons number of buttons to update DESCRIPTION
XkbSetDeviceButtonActions assigns actions to the buttons of the device specified in device_info->device_spec. Actions are assigned to num_buttons buttons beginning with first_button and are taken from the actions specified in device_info->btn_acts. If the server does not support assignment of Xkb actions to extension device buttons, XkbSetDeviceButtonActions has no effect and returns False. If the device has no buttons or if first_button or num_buttons specify buttons outside of the valid range as determined by device_info->num_btns, the function has no effect and returns False. Otherwise, XkbSetDeviceButtonActions sends a request to the server to change the actions for the specified buttons and returns True. If the actual request sent to the server involved illegal button numbers, a BadValue protocol error is generated. If an invalid device identifier is specified in device_info->device_spec, a BadKeyboard protocol error results. If the actual device specified in device_info->device_spec does not contain buttons and a request affecting buttons is made, a BadMatch protocol error is generated. DIAGNOSTICS
BadKeyboard The device specified was not a valid core or input extension device BadMatch A compatible version of Xkb was not available in the server or an argument has correct type and range, but is otherwise invalid BadValue An argument is out of range X Version 11 libX11 1.6.0 XkbSetDeviceButtonActions(3)

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XkbChangeDeviceInfo(3)						   XKB FUNCTIONS					    XkbChangeDeviceInfo(3)

XkbChangeDeviceInfo - Update the server's description of a device with the changes noted in an XkbDeviceChangesRec SYNOPSIS
Bool XkbChangeDeviceInfo ( dpy, device_info, changes ) Display * dpy; XkbDeviceInfoPtr device_info; XkbDeviceChangesPtr changes; ARGUMENTS
- dpy connection to X server - device_info local copy of device state and configuration - changes note specifying changes in device_info DESCRIPTION
XkbChangeDeviceInfo updates the server's description of the device specified in device_info->device_spec with the changes specified in changes and contained in device_info. The update is made by an XkbSetDeviceInfo request. STRUCTURES
Changes to an Xkb extension device may be tracked by listening to XkbDeviceExtensionNotify events and accumulating the changes in an XkbDe- viceChangesRec structure. The changes noted in the structure may then be used in subsequent operations to update either a server configura- tion or a local copy of an Xkb extension device configuration. The changes structure is defined as follows: typedef struct _XkbDeviceChanges { unsigned int changed; /* bits indicating what has changed */ unsigned short first_btn; /* number of first button which changed, if any */ unsigned short num_btns; /* number of buttons that have changed */ XkbDeviceLedChangesRec leds; } XkbDeviceChangesRec,*XkbDeviceChangesPtr; SEE ALSO
XkbSetDeviceInfo(3) X Version 11 libX11 1.2.1 XkbChangeDeviceInfo(3)
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