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xkbopendisplay(3) [centos man page]

XkbOpenDisplay(3)						   XKB FUNCTIONS						 XkbOpenDisplay(3)

XkbOpenDisplay - Checks for a compatible version of the Xkb extension in both the library and the server, and initializes the extension for use. SYNOPSIS
Display XkbOpenDisplay (char *display_name, int *event_rtrn, int *error_rtrn, int *major_in_out, int *minor_in_out, int *reason_rtrn); ARGUMENTS
display_name hardware display name, which determines the display and communications domain to be used event_rtrn backfilled with the extension base event code error_rtrn backfilled with the extension base error code major_in_out compile time lib major version in, server major version out minor_in_out compile time lib min version in, server minor version out reason_rtrn backfilled with a status code DESCRIPTION
As a convenience, you can use the function XkbOpenDisplay to perform these three tasks at once: open a connection to an X server, check for a compatible version of the Xkb extension in both the library and the server, and initialize the extension for use. XkbOpenDisplay is a convenience function that opens an X display connection and initializes the X keyboard extension. In all cases, upon return reason_rtrn contains a status value indicating success or the type of failure. If major_in_out and minor_in_out are not NULL, XkbOpenDisplay first calls XkbLibraryVersion to determine whether the client library is compatible, passing it the values pointed to by major_in_out and minor_in_out. If the library is incompatible, XkbOpenDisplay backfills major_in_out and minor_in_out with the major and minor extension versions of the library being used and returns NULL. If the library is compatible, XkbOpenDisplay next calls XOpenDisplay with the display_name. If this fails, the function returns NULL. If successful, XkbOpenDisplay calls XkbQueryExtension and backfills the major and minor Xkb server extension version numbers in major_in_out and minor_in_out. If the server extension version is not compatible with the library extension version or if the server extension is not present, XkbOpenDisplay closes the display and returns NULL. When suc- cessful, the function returns the display connection. The possible values for reason_rtrn are: o XkbOD_BadLibraryVersion indicates XkbLibraryVersion returned False. o XkbOD_ConnectionRefused indicates the display could not be opened. o XkbOD_BadServerVersion indicates the library and the server have incompatible extension versions. o XkbOD_NonXkbServer indicates the extension is not present in the X server. o XkbOD_Success indicates that the function succeeded. RETURN VALUES
NULL The XkbOpenDisplay function returns NULL if the library is incompatible. The XkbOpenDisplay function returns NULL if the call to XOpenDisplay with the display_name fails. The XkbOpenDisplay function returns NULL and closes the display if the server extension version is not compatible with the library extension version or if the server extension is not present. DIAGNOSTICS
BadAccess The Xkb extension has not been properly initialized SEE ALSO
XkbLibraryVersion(3), XkbQueryExtension(3), XOpenDisplay(3) X Version 11 libX11 1.6.0 XkbOpenDisplay(3)

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XkbLibraryVersion(3)						   XKB FUNCTIONS					      XkbLibraryVersion(3)

XkbLibraryVersion - Determines the compatibility of a library at runtime. SYNOPSIS
Bool XkbLibraryVersion (int *lib_major_in_out, int *lib_minor_in_out); ARGUMENTS
lib_major_in_out Specifies and returns the major Xkb library version. lib_minor_in_out Specifies and returns the minor Xkb library version. DESCRIPTION
If an application is dynamically linked, both the X server and the client-side X library must contain the Xkb extension in order for the client to use the Xkb extension capabilities. Therefore a dynamically linked application must check both the library and the server for compatibility before using Xkb function calls. A properly written program must check for compatibility between the version of the Xkb library that is dynamically loaded and the one used when the application was built. It must then check the server version for compatibility with the version of Xkb in the library. If your application is statically linked, you must still check for server compatibility and may check library compatibility. (It is possi- ble to compile against one set of header files and link against a different, incompatible, version of the library, although this should not normally occur.) Pass the symbolic value XkbMajorVersion in lib_major_in_out and XkbMinorVersion in lib_minor_in_out. These arguments represent the version of the library used at compile time. The XkbLibraryVersion function backfills the major and minor version numbers of the library used at run time in lib_major_in_out and lib_minor_in_out. If the versions of the compile time and run time libraries are compatible, XkbLi- braryVersion returns True, otherwise, it returns False. In addition, in order to use the Xkb extension, you must ensure that the extension is present in the server and that the server supports the version of the extension expected by the client. Use XkbQueryExtension to do this, as described in the next section. RETURN VALUES
True The XkbLibraryVersion returns True if the versions of the compile time and run time libraries are compatible. False The XkbLibraryVersion returns False if the versions of the compile time and run time libraries are not compatible. SEE ALSO
XkbMajorVersion(3), XkbMinorVersion(3), XkbQueryExtension(3) X Version 11 libX11 1.5.0 XkbLibraryVersion(3)
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