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xkbgetnames(3) [centos man page]

XkbGetNames(3)							   XKB FUNCTIONS						    XkbGetNames(3)

XkbGetNames - Obtain symbolic names from the server SYNOPSIS
Status XkbGetNames (Display *dpy, unsigned int which, XkbDescPtr Xkb); ARGUMENTS
- dpy connection to the X server - which mask of names or map components to be updated - Xkb keyboard description to be updated DESCRIPTION
XkbGetNames retrieves symbolic names for the components of the keyboard extension from the X server. The which parameter specifies the name components to be updated in the xkb parameter, and is the bitwise inclusive OR of the valid names mask bits defined in Table 1. Table 1 Symbolic Names Masks --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mask Bit Value Keyboard Field Component --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XkbKeycodesNameMask (1<<0) Xkb->names keycodes XkbGeometryNameMask (1<<1) Xkb->names geometry XkbSymbolsNameMask (1<<2) Xkb->names symbols XkbPhysSymbolsNameMask (1<<3) Xkb->names phys_symbols XkbTypesNameMask (1<<4) Xkb->names type XkbCompatNameMask (1<<5) Xkb->names compat XkbKeyTypeNamesMask (1<<6) Xkb->map type[*].name XkbKTLevelNamesMask (1<<7) Xkb->map type[*].lvl_names[*] XkbIndicatorNamesMask (1<<8) Xkb->names indicators[*] XkbKeyNamesMask (1<<9) Xkb->names keys[*], num_keys XkbKeyAliasesMask (1<<10) Xkb->names key_aliases[*], num_key_aliases XkbVirtualModNamesMask (1<<11) Xkb->names vmods[*] XkbGroupNamesMask (1<<12) Xkb->names groups[*] XkbRGNamesMask (1<<13) Xkb->names radio_groups[*], num_rg XkbComponentNamesMask (0x3f) Xkb->names keycodes, geometry, symbols, physical symbols, types, and compatibility map XkbAllNamesMask (0x3fff) Xkb->names all name components If the names field of the keyboard description xkb is NULL, XkbGetNames allocates and initializes the names component of the keyboard description before obtaining the values specified by which. If the names field of xkb is not NULL, XkbGetNames obtains the values speci- fied by which and copies them into the keyboard description Xkb. If the map component of the xkb parameter is NULL, XkbGetNames does not retrieve type or shift level names, even if XkbKeyTypeNamesMask or XkbKTLevelNamesMask are set in which. XkbGetNames can return Success, or BadAlloc, BadLength, BadMatch, and BadImplementation errors. To free symbolic names, use XkbFreeNames. DIAGNOSTICS
BadAlloc Unable to allocate storage BadImplementation Invalid reply from server BadLength The length of a request is shorter or longer than that required to minimally contain the arguments BadMatch A compatible version of Xkb was not available in the server or an argument has correct type and range, but is otherwise invalid SEE ALSO
XkbFreeNames(3) X Version 11 libX11 1.6.0 XkbGetNames(3)

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XkbFreeNames(3) 						   XKB FUNCTIONS						   XkbFreeNames(3)

XkbFreeNames - Free symbolic names structures SYNOPSIS
void XkbFreeNames (XkbDescPtr xkb, unsigned int which, Bool free_map); ARGUMENTS
- xkb keyboard description for which names are to be freed - which mask of names components to be freed - free_map True => XkbNamesRec structure itself should be freed DESCRIPTION
Do not free symbolic names structures directly using free or XFree. Use XkbFreeNames instead. The which parameter is the bitwise inclusive OR of the valid names mask bits defined in Table 1. Xkb provides several functions that work with symbolic names. Each of these functions uses a mask to specify individual fields of the structures described above. These masks and their relationships to the fields in a keyboard description are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Symbolic Names Masks --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mask Bit Value Keyboard Field Component --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XkbKeycodesNameMask (1<<0) Xkb->names keycodes XkbGeometryNameMask (1<<1) Xkb->names geometry XkbSymbolsNameMask (1<<2) Xkb->names symbols XkbPhysSymbolsNameMask (1<<3) Xkb->names phys_symbols XkbTypesNameMask (1<<4) Xkb->names type XkbCompatNameMask (1<<5) Xkb->names compat XkbKeyTypeNamesMask (1<<6) Xkb->map type[*].name XkbKTLevelNamesMask (1<<7) Xkb->map type[*].lvl_names[*] XkbIndicatorNamesMask (1<<8) Xkb->names indicators[*] XkbKeyNamesMask (1<<9) Xkb->names keys[*], num_keys XkbKeyAliasesMask (1<<10) Xkb->names key_aliases[*], num_key_aliases XkbVirtualModNamesMask (1<<11) Xkb->names vmods[*] XkbGroupNamesMask (1<<12) Xkb->names groups[*] XkbRGNamesMask (1<<13) Xkb->names radio_groups[*], num_rg XkbComponentNamesMask (0x3f) Xkb->names keycodes, geometry, symbols, physical symbols, types, and compatibility map XkbAllNamesMask (0x3fff) Xkb->names all name components X Version 11 libX11 1.3.2 XkbFreeNames(3)
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