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RRDp(3) 						User Contributed Perl Documentation						   RRDp(3)

RRDp - Attach RRDtool from within a perl script via a set of pipes; SYNOPSIS
use RRDp RRDp::start path to RRDtool executable RRDp::cmd rrdtool commandline $answer = RRD::read $status = RRD::end $RRDp::user, $RRDp::sys, $RRDp::real, $RRDp::error_mode, $RRDp::error DESCRIPTION
With this module you can safely communicate with the RRDtool. After every RRDp::cmd you have to issue an RRDp::read command to get RRDtools answer to your command. The answer is returned as a pointer, in order to speed things up. If the last command did not return any data, RRDp::read will return an undefined variable. If you import the PERFORMANCE variables into your namespace, you can access RRDtool's internal performance measurements. use RRDp Load the RRDp::pipe module. RRDp::start path to RRDtool executable start RRDtool. The argument must be the path to the RRDtool executable RRDp::cmd rrdtool commandline pass commands on to RRDtool. Check the RRDtool documentation for more info on the RRDtool commands. Note: Due to design limitations, RRDp::cmd does not support the "graph -" command - use "graphv -" instead. $answer = RRDp::read read RRDtool's response to your command. Note that the $answer variable will only contain a pointer to the returned data. The reason for this is, that RRDtool can potentially return quite excessive amounts of data and we don't want to copy this around in memory. So when you want to access the contents of $answer you have to use $$answer which dereferences the variable. $status = RRDp::end terminates RRDtool and returns RRDtool's status ... $RRDp::user, $RRDp::sys, $RRDp::real these variables will contain totals of the user time, system time and real time as seen by RRDtool. User time is the time RRDtool is running, System time is the time spend in system calls and real time is the total time RRDtool has been running. The difference between user + system and real is the time spent waiting for things like the hard disk and new input from the Perl script. $RRDp::error_mode and $RRDp::error If you set the variable $RRDp::error_mode to the value 'catch' before you run RRDp::read a potential ERROR message will not cause the program to abort but will be returned in this variable. If no error occurs the variable will be empty. $RRDp::error_mode = 'catch'; RRDp::cmd qw(info file.rrd); print $RRDp::error if $RRDp::error; EXAMPLE
use RRDp; RRDp::start "/usr/local/bin/rrdtool"; RRDp::cmd qw(create demo.rrd --step 100 DS:in:GAUGE:100:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:10); $answer = RRDp::read; print $$answer; ($usertime,$systemtime,$realtime) = ($RRDp::user,$RRDp::sys,$RRDp::real); SEE ALSO
For more information on how to use RRDtool, check the manpages. AUTHOR
Tobias Oetiker <> perl v5.16.3 2014-06-10 RRDp(3)

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RRDDUMP(1)							      rrdtool								RRDDUMP(1)

rrddump - dump the contents of an RRD to XML format SYNOPSIS
rrdtool dump filename.rrd [filename.xml] [--header|-h {none,xsd,dtd}] [--no-header] [--daemon address] > filename.xml DESCRIPTION
The dump function writes the contents of an RRD in human readable (?) XML format to a file or to stdout. This format can be read by rrdrestore. Together they allow you to transfer your files from one computer architecture to another as well to manipulate the contents of an RRD file in a somewhat more convenient manner. filename.rrd The name of the RRD you want to dump. filename.xml The (optional) filename that you want to write the XML output to. If not specified, the XML will be printed to stdout. --header|-h {none,xsd,dtd} By default RRDtool will add a dtd header to the xml file. Here you can customize this to and xsd header or no header at all. --no-header A shortcut for --header=none. If you want to restore the dump with RRDtool 1.2 you should use the --no-header option since 1.2 can not deal with xml headers. --daemon address Address of the rrdcached daemon. If specified, a "flush" command is sent to the server before reading the RRD files. This allows rrdtool to return fresh data even if the daemon is configured to cache values for a long time. For a list of accepted formats, see the -l option in the rrdcached manual. rrdtool dump --daemon unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock /var/lib/rrd/foo.rrd EXAMPLES
To transfer an RRD between architectures, follow these steps: 1. On the same system where the RRD was created, use rrdtool dump to export the data to XML format. 2. Transfer the XML dump to the target system. 3. Run rrdtool restore to create a new RRD from the XML dump. See rrdrestore for details. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
The following environment variables may be used to change the behavior of "rrdtool dump": RRDCACHED_ADDRESS If this environment variable is set it will have the same effect as specifying the "--daemon" option on the command line. If both are present, the command line argument takes precedence. AUTHOR
Tobias Oetiker <> 1.4.7 2009-10-14 RRDDUMP(1)
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