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publican::translate(3) [centos man page]

Publican::Translate(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				    Publican::Translate(3)

Publican::Translate - Module for manipulating POT and PO files. VERSION
This document describes Publican::Translate version $VERSION SYNOPSIS
use Publican::Translate; my $po = Publican::Translate->new(); $po->update_pot(); $po->update_po({ langs => 'fr-FR,de-DE' }); $po->update_po({ langs => 'all' }); $po->merge_xml({ lang => 'fr-FR' }); DESCRIPTION
Creates, updates and merges POT and PO files for Publican projects. INTERFACE
new Create a new Publican::Translate object. trans_drop Snapshot the source to give translation a stable base. update_pot Update the pot files po2xml Merge XML and PO into a translated XML file. update_po Update the PO files using internal process or msgmerge merge_po Merge updated POT files in to existing PO files. TODO Impliment this... match_strings Compare 2 strings and return how closely they match. Returns a vlaue between 0 and 1, weighted for string length. update_po_all Update the PO files for all languages get_msgs Get the strings to translate from an XML::TreeBuilder object merge_msgs Merge translations in to XML translate Replace strings with translated strings. print_msgs Print the translation strings in an XML::TreeBuilder object to a POT file header Returns a valid PO header string. normalise Remove extraneous white space. po_format Format a string for use in a PO file. po_unformat Remove PO formatting from a string. po_report Generate translation statistics for the supplied language. DIAGNOSTICS
"unknown args %s" All subs with named parameters will return this error when unexpected named arguments are provided. "%s is a required argument" Any sub with a mandatory parameter will return this error if the parameter is undef. CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT
Publican requires no configuration files or environment variables. DEPENDENCIES
Carp version Publican File::Copy::Recursive File::Path INCOMPATIBILITIES
No bugs have been reported. Please report any bugs or feature requests to "", or through the web interface at <;component=publican>. AUTHOR
Jeff Fearn "<>" perl v5.16.3 2014-06-10 Publican::Translate(3)

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Publican::XmlClean(3pm) 				User Contributed Perl Documentation				   Publican::XmlClean(3pm)

Publican::XmlClean - A module to reformat XML to Publican standards VERSION
This document describes Publican::XmlClean version $VERSION SYNOPSIS
use Publican::XmlClean; my $cleaner = Publican::XmlClean->new( { clean_id => 1 } ); foreach my $xml_file ( sort(@xml_files) ) { $cleaner->process_file( { file => $xml_file, out_file => $xml_file } ); } DESCRIPTION
Publican::XmlClean tidies XML formatting and filters structure based on input rules. INTERFACE
new Create a new Publican::XmlClean object. print_known_tags Print a list of tags that have had their output QA'd. print_banned_tags Print a list of tags that are not supported. prune_xml($node) Remove unwanted nodes. If $lang is set then delete all nodes that have lang set and do not contain $lang If $arch is set then delete all nodes that have arch set and do not contain $arch If $condition is set then delete all nodes that have condition set and do not contain $condition Clean_ID Rename ID's and update xrefs. If this node has a title as a child set it's ID else remove the ID print_xml Print out utf8 XML files Have to output xml/DTD header my_as_XML Traverse tree and output xml as text. Overrides traverse ... evil stuff. validate_tables Ensure Tables comply to requirements not enforceable in XML validation. 1. tgroup attribute cols must match the number of entries in every row. sort_glossaries Sort glosslists process_file Create XML::TreeBuilder object and perform operations. DIAGNOSTICS
"unknown args %s" All subs with named parameters will return this error when unexpected named arguments are provided. "%s is a required argument" Any sub with a mandatory parameter will return this error if the parameter is undef. "Could not open %s for output!" The named file could not be opened. "Can't calculate image size of %s" Images are automatically scaled if thy are to wide, this check could not be performed due to either access permissions or file weirdness. CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT
Publican::XmlClean requires no configuration files or environment variables. DEPENDENCIES
Carp version XML::TreeBuilder Text::Wrap Config::Simple Publican File::Path Image::Size Term::ANSIColor Cwd INCOMPATIBILITIES
No bugs have been reported. Please report any bugs or feature requests to "", or through the web interface at <;version=rawhide&amp;component=publican>. AUTHOR
Jeff Fearn "<>" perl v5.14.2 2012-06-18 Publican::XmlClean(3pm)
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