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pmerrstr(3) [centos man page]

PMERRSTR(3)						     Library Functions Manual						       PMERRSTR(3)

pmErrStr, pmErrStr_r - convert a PMAPI error code into a string C SYNOPSIS
#include <pcp/pmapi.h> const char *pmErrStr(int code); char *pmErrStr_r(int code, char *buf, int buflen); cc ... -lpcp DESCRIPTION
Translate an error code into a text string, suitable for generating a diagnostic message. The pmErrStr_r function does the same, but stores the result in a user-supplied buffer buf of length buflen, which should have room for at least PM_MAXERRMSGLEN bytes. By convention, all error codes are negative. The small values are assumed to be negated versions of the Unix error codes as defined in <errno.h> and the strings returned are as per strerror(3C). The larger, negative error codes are Performance Metrics Application Program- ming Interface (PMAPI) error conditions and pmErrStr(3) returns an appropriate PMAPI error string, as determined by code. NOTES
pmErrStr returns a pointer to a static buffer, so the returned value is only valid until the next call to pmErrStr and hence is not thread- safe. Multi-threaded applications should use pmErrStr_r instead. SEE ALSO
pmerr(1), PMAPI(3) and perror(3C). Performance Co-Pilot PCP PMERRSTR(3)
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