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perl::critic::policy::regularexpressions::prohibitsinglecharalte(3) [centos man page]


Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitSingleCharAlternation - Use "[abc]" instead of "a|b|c". AFFILIATION
This Policy is part of the core Perl::Critic distribution. DESCRIPTION
Character classes (like "[abc]") are significantly faster than single character alternations (like "(?:a|b|c)"). This policy complains if you have more than one instance of a single character in an alternation. So "(?:a|the)" is allowed, but "(?:a|e|i|o|u)" is not. NOTE: Perl 5.10 (not released as of this writing) has major regexp optimizations which may mitigate the performance penalty of alternations, which will be rewritten behind the scenes as something like character classes. Consequently, if you are deploying exclusively on 5.10, yo might consider ignoring this policy. CONFIGURATION
This Policy is not configurable except for the standard options. CREDITS
Initial development of this policy was supported by a grant from the Perl Foundation. AUTHOR
Chris Dolan <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Chris Dolan. Many rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module perl v5.16.3 2014Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitSingleCharAlternation(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitEnumerUserCContributed PerPerl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitEnumeratedClasses(3)

Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitEnumeratedClasses - Use named character classes instead of explicit character lists. AFFILIATION
This Policy is part of the core Perl::Critic distribution. DESCRIPTION
This policy is not for everyone! If you are working in pure ASCII, then disable it now or you may see some false violations. On the other hand many of us are working in a multilingual world with an extended character set, probably Unicode. In that world, patterns like "m/[A-Z]/" can be a source of bugs when you really meant "m/p{IsUpper}/". This policy catches a selection of possible incorrect character class usage. Specifically, the patterns are: "[ f ]" vs. "s" "[ ]" vs. "s" (because many people forget "f") "[A-Za-z0-9_]" vs. "w" "[A-Za-z]" vs. "p{IsAlphabetic}" "[A-Z]" vs. "p{IsUpper}" "[a-z]" vs. "p{IsLower}" "[0-9]" vs. "d" "[^w]" vs. "W" "[^s]" vs. "S" CONFIGURATION
This Policy is not configurable except for the standard options. CREDITS
Initial development of this policy was supported by a grant from the Perl Foundation. AUTHOR
Chris Dolan <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Chris Dolan. Many rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module perl v5.16.3 2014-06-Perl::Critic::Policy::RegularExpressions::ProhibitEnumeratedClasses(3)
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