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__gnu_cxx::select1st(3) [centos man page]

__gnu_cxx::select1st< _Pair >(3)			     Library Functions Manual				  __gnu_cxx::select1st< _Pair >(3)

__gnu_cxx::select1st< _Pair > - SYNOPSIS
Inherits std::_Select1st< _Pair >. Public Types typedef _Pair argument_type typedef _Pair::first_type result_type Public Member Functions _Pair::first_type & operator() (_Pair &__x) const const _Pair::first_type & operator() (const _Pair &__x) const template<typename _Pair2 > _Pair2::first_type & operator() (_Pair2 &__x) const template<typename _Pair2 > const _Pair2::first_type & operator() (const _Pair2 &__x) const Detailed Description template<class _Pair>struct __gnu_cxx::select1st< _Pair > An SGI extension . Definition at line 200 of file ext/functional. Member Typedef Documentation typedef _Pair std::unary_function< _Pair , _Pair::first_type >::argument_type [inherited] argument_type is the type of the argument Definition at line 104 of file stl_function.h. typedef _Pair::first_type std::unary_function< _Pair , _Pair::first_type >::result_type [inherited] result_type is the return type Definition at line 107 of file stl_function.h. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code. libstdc++ Tue Jun 10 2014 __gnu_cxx::select1st< _Pair >(3)

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std::__profile::map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator >(3cxx)			      std::__profile::map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator >(3cxx)

std::__profile::map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > - SYNOPSIS
Inherits map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator >. Public Types typedef _Allocator allocator_type typedef _Base::const_iterator const_iterator typedef _Base::const_pointer const_pointer typedef _Base::const_reference const_reference typedef std::reverse_iterator < const_iterator > const_reverse_iterator" typedef _Base::difference_type difference_type typedef _Base::iterator iterator typedef _Compare key_compare typedef _Key key_type typedef _Tp mapped_type typedef _Base::pointer pointer typedef _Base::reference reference typedef std::reverse_iterator < iterator > reverse_iterator" typedef _Base::size_type size_type typedef std::pair< const _Key, _Tp > value_type" Public Member Functions map (const _Compare &__comp=_Compare(), const _Allocator &__a=_Allocator()) template<typename _InputIterator > map (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last, const _Compare &__comp=_Compare(), const _Allocator &__a=_Allocator()) map (const map &__x) map (const _Base &__x) map (map &&__x) map (initializer_list< value_type > __l, const _Compare &__c=_Compare(), const allocator_type &__a=allocator_type()) _Base & _M_base () const _Base & _M_base () const mapped_type & at (const key_type &__k) const mapped_type & at (const key_type &__k) const iterator begin () const_iterator begin () const const_iterator cbegin () const const_iterator cend () const void clear () size_type count (const key_type &__x) const const_reverse_iterator crbegin () const const_reverse_iterator crend () const iterator end () const_iterator end () const std::pair< iterator, iterator > equal_range (const key_type &__x) std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > equal_range (const key_type &__x) const " iterator erase (const_iterator __position) iterator erase (iterator __position) size_type erase (const key_type &__x) iterator erase (const_iterator __first, const_iterator __last) iterator find (const key_type &__x) const_iterator find (const key_type &__x) const std::pair< iterator, bool > insert (const value_type &__x) template<typename _Pair , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<_Pair, value_type>::value>::type> std::pair< iterator, bool > insert (_Pair &&__x) void insert (std::initializer_list< value_type > __list) iterator insert (const_iterator __position, const value_type &__x) template<typename _Pair , typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<_Pair, value_type>::value>::type> iterator insert (const_iterator __position, _Pair &&__x) template<typename _InputIterator > void insert (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last) iterator lower_bound (const key_type &__x) const_iterator lower_bound (const key_type &__x) const map & operator= (const map &__x) map & operator= (map &&__x) map & operator= (initializer_list< value_type > __l) mapped_type & operator[] (const key_type &__k) mapped_type & operator[] (key_type &&__k) reverse_iterator rbegin () const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const reverse_iterator rend () const_reverse_iterator rend () const void swap (map &__x) iterator upper_bound (const key_type &__x) const_iterator upper_bound (const key_type &__x) const Detailed Description template<typename _Key, typename _Tp, typename _Compare = std::less<_Key>, typename _Allocator = std::allocator<std::pair<const _Key, _Tp> >>class std::__profile::map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator > Class std::map wrapper with performance instrumentation. Definition at line 41 of file profile/map.h. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code. libstdc++ Tue Nov 27 2012 std::__profile::map< _Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Allocator >(3cxx)
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