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mail::spamassassin::autowhitelist(3) [centos man page]

Mail::SpamAssassin::AutoWhitelist(3)			User Contributed Perl Documentation		      Mail::SpamAssassin::AutoWhitelist(3)

Mail::SpamAssassin::AutoWhitelist - auto-whitelist handler for SpamAssassin SYNOPSIS
(see Mail::SpamAssassin) DESCRIPTION
Mail::SpamAssassin is a module to identify spam using text analysis and several internet-based realtime blacklists. This class is used internally by SpamAssassin to manage the automatic whitelisting functionality. Please refer to the "Mail::SpamAssassin" documentation for public interfaces. METHODS
$meanscore = awl->check_address($addr, $originating_ip, $signedby); This method will return the mean score of all messages associated with the given address, or undef if the address hasn't been seen before. If $originating_ip is supplied, it will be used in the lookup. awl->count(); This method will return the count of messages used in determining the whitelist correction. awl->add_score($score); This method will add half the score to the current entry. Half the score is used, so that repeated use of the same From and IP address combination will gradually reduce the score. awl->add_known_good_address($addr); This method will add a score of -100 to the given address -- effectively "bootstrapping" the address as being one that should be whitelisted. awl->add_known_bad_address($addr); This method will add a score of 100 to the given address -- effectively "bootstrapping" the address as being one that should be blacklisted. perl v5.16.3 2011-06-06 Mail::SpamAssassin::AutoWhitelist(3)

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Mail::SpamAssassin::PersistentAddrList(3)		User Contributed Perl Documentation		 Mail::SpamAssassin::PersistentAddrList(3)

Mail::SpamAssassin::PersistentAddrList - persistent address list base class SYNOPSIS
my $factory = PersistentAddrListSubclass->new(); $spamtest->set_persistent_addr_list_factory ($factory); ... call into SpamAssassin classes... SpamAssassin will call: my $addrlist = $factory->new_checker($spamtest); $entry = $addrlist->get_addr_entry ($addr); ... DESCRIPTION
All persistent address list implementations, used by the auto-whitelist code to track known-good email addresses, use this as a base class. See "Mail::SpamAssassin::DBBasedAddrList" for an example. METHODS
$factory = PersistentAddrListSubclass->new(); This creates a factory object, which SpamAssassin will call to create a new checker object for the persistent address list. my $addrlist = $factory->new_checker(); Create a new address-list checker object from the factory. Called by the SpamAssassin classes. $entry = $addrlist->get_addr_entry ($addr); Given an email address $addr, return an entry object with the details of that address. The entry object is a reference to a hash, which must contain at least two keys: "count", which is the count of times that address has been encountered before; and "totscore", which is the total of all scores for messages associated with that address. From these two fields, an average score will be calculated, and the score for the current message will be regressed towards that mean message score. The hash can contain whatever other data your back-end needs to store, under other keys. The method should never return "undef", or a hash that does not contain a "count" key and a "totscore" key. $entry = $addrlist->add_score($entry, $score); This method should add the given score to the whitelist database for the given entry, and then return the new entry. $entry = $addrlist->remove_entry ($entry); This method should remove the given entry from the whitelist database. $entry = $addrlist->finish (); Clean up, if necessary. Called by SpamAssassin when it has finished checking, or adding to, the auto-whitelist database. perl v5.12.1 2010-03-16 Mail::SpamAssassin::PersistentAddrList(3)
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