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tracker-miner-fs(1) [centos man page]

tracker-miner-fs(1)						   User Commands					       tracker-miner-fs(1)

tracker-miner-fs - Used to crawl the file system to mine data. SYNOPSIS
tracker-miner-fs [OPTION...] DESCRIPTION
tracker-miner-fs is not supposed to be run by the user since it is started by its .desktop file when the user logs in. It can also be started manually of course for debugging purposes. You can not run more than one instance of this at the same time. tracker-miner-fs mines information about applications and files only. OPTIONS
-?, --help Show summary of options. -V, --version Returns the version of this binary. -v, --verbosity={0|1|2|3} Sets the logging level, 0=errors, 1=minimal, 2=detailed, 3=debug. -s, --initial-sleep=SECONDS Sets the initial sleep time before crawling the file system is started. If the --no-daemon option is used, this option is ignored. -n, --no-daemon Tells the miner to exit once all indexing has finished and the database is up to date. This is not the default mode of operation for the miner, usually it stays around acting like a daemon to monitor file updates which may occur over time. This option renders the --initial-sleep option moot. -e, --eligible=FILE Checks if FILE is eligible for being mined based on the current configuration rules. In addition to this, it will check if FILE would be monitored for changes. This works with non-existing FILE arguments as well as existing FILE arguments. -d, --disable-miner=MINER Tells the daemon to disable the in-house miners it supports. Depending on build options, this can be 'Files', 'Applications' and 'Userguides'. This option can be provided more than once to diasable multiple miners. Disable in this case means the miner is not started, though all miners still register themselves on D-Bus and appear there, no actual action is performed otherwise (such as crawling, setting up monitors, or checking mtimes against the file system). ENVIRONMENT
TRACKER_USE_LOG_FILES Don't just log to stdout and stderr, but to log files too which are kept in $HOME/.local/share/tracker/. This came into effect in 0.15.3 and 0.16.0. After this version of Tracker, logging to file (usually useful for debugging) can only be done by declaring this environment variable. TRACKER_USE_CONFIG_FILES Don't use GSettings, instead use a config file similar to how settings were saved in 0.10.x. That is, a file which is much like an .ini file. These are saved to $HOME/.config/tracker/ SEE ALSO
tracker-store(1), tracker-info(1). GNU
September 2009 tracker-miner-fs(1)

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tracker-status(1)						   User Commands						 tracker-status(1)

tracker-status - Report the state of all data miners SYNOPSIS
tracker-status [OPTION...] DESCRIPTION
tracker-status shows the status of all miners installed. It also allows pausing and resuming of miners. For tracker-store state, you need to use tracker-control OPTIONS
-?, --help Show summary of options. -f, --follow Follow status changes as they happen. This requires Ctrl+C to stop and return to the command line. Each new status is put on a new line. To get more information, you can use --detailed with this. -d, --detailed For the most part, this purely provides a timestamp with each status update to follow WHEN changes happened. -s, --list-common-statuses This will list statuses most commonly produced by miners and the store. These statuses are not translated when sent over D-Bus and should be translated by each application. These are not considered static and are subject to change at any point. Additionally, these statuses are not the only ones which may be reported by a miner. There may be other states pertaining to the specific roles of the miner in question. -l, --list-miners-running This will list all miners which have responded to a D-Bus call. Sometimes it is helpfult to use this command with --list-miners- available. -a, --list-miners-available This will list all miners which are available even if they are not running at the moment. -i, --pause-details For listing all miners which are paused and the reasons for being paused, you can use this. It will also display the application that requested the pause too. -m, --miner=MINER This argument is used with --pause and --resume to say which miner you want to pause or resume. You can use the full D-Bus name, e.g. org.freedesktop.Tracker1.Miner.Files OR you can use the suffix, e.g. Files -p, --pause=REASON The REASON here is useful to know WHY the miner should be paused. A miner can be paused many times by multiple applications. Only when all pauses have been resumed will it continue. If successful, a cookie will be given to uniquely identify the request. This cookie is used to resume the pause at a later stage. -r, --resume=COOKIE The COOKIE is given by a successful --pause command. It is a number which identifies each pause request. When all pauses have been resumed, the miner will resume working. -V, --version Print version. SEE ALSO
tracker-store(1), tracker-stats(1), tracker-control(1) GNU
July 2009 tracker-status(1)
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