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tracker-extract(1) [centos man page]

tracker-extract(1)						   User Commands						tracker-extract(1)

tracker-extract - Extract metadata from a file. SYNOPSYS
tracker-extract [OPTION...] FILE... DESCRIPTION
tracker-extract reads the file and mimetype provided in stdin and extract the metadata from this file; then it displays the metadata on the standard output. NOTE: If a FILE is not provided then tracker-extract will run for 30 seconds waiting for DBus calls before quitting. OPTIONS
-?, --help Show summary of options. -v, --verbosity=N Set verbosity to N. This overrides the config value. Values include 0=errors, 1=minimal, 2=detailed and 3=debug. -f, --file=FILE The FILE to extract metadata from. The FILE argument can be either a local path or a URI. It also does not have to be an absolute path. -m, --mime=MIME The MIME type to use for the file. If one is not provided, it will be guessed automatically. -d, --disable-shutdown Disable shutting down after 30 seconds of inactivity. -i, --force-internal-extractors Use this option to force internal extractors over 3rd parties like libstreamanalyzer. -m, --force-module=MODULE Force a particular module to be used. This is here as a convenience for developers wanting to test their MODULE file. Only the MOD- ULE name has to be specified, not the full path. Typically, a MODULE is installed to /usr/lib/tracker-0.7/extract-modules/. This option can be used with or without the .so part of the name too, for example, you can use --force-module=foo Modules are shared objects which are dynamically loaded at run time. These files must have the .so suffix to be loaded and must con- tain the correct symbols to be authenticated by tracker-extract. For more information see the libtracker-extract reference documen- tation. -V, --version Show binary version. EXAMPLES
Using command line to extract metadata from a file: $ tracker-extract -v 3 -f /path/to/some/file.mp3 Using a specific module to extract metadata from a file: $ tracker-extract -v 3 -f /path/to/some/file.mp3 -m mymodule ENVIRONMENT
TRACKER_EXTRACTORS_DIR This is the directory which tracker uses to load the shared libraries from (used for extracting metadata for specific file types). These are needed on each invocation of tracker-store. If unset it will default to the correct place. This is used mainly for testing purposes. The default location is /usr/lib/tracker-0.10/extract-modules/. TRACKER_EXTRACTOR_RULES_DIR This is the directory which tracker uses to load the rules files from. The rules files describe extractor modules and their sup- ported MIME types. The default location is /usr/share/tracker/extract-rules/. TRACKER_USE_CONFIG_FILES Don't use GSettings, instead use a config file similar to how settings were saved in 0.10.x. That is, a file which is much like an .ini file. These are saved to $HOME/.config/tracker/ SEE ALSO
tracker-store(1), tracker-sparql(1), tracker-stats(1), tracker-info(1). /usr/lib/tracker-0.10/extract-modules/ /usr/share/tracker/extract-rules/ GNU
July 2007 tracker-extract(1)

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tracker-store(1)						   User Commands						  tracker-store(1)

tracker-store - database indexer and query daemon SYNOPSIS
tracker-store [OPTION...] DESCRIPTION
tracker-store provides both a powerful database daemon which allows clients to query or update their data using the highly descriptive SPARQL language. tracker-store does not do any file crawling or any mining of data itself, instead other processes do that and serves as a daemon waiting for such requests from application miners like tracker-miner-fs. For help on how to configure this daemon, see the man page for tracker-store.cfg. OPTIONS
-?, --help A brief help message including some examples. -V, --version Returns the version of this binary. -v, --verbosity={0|1|2|3} Sets the logging level, 0=errors, 1=minimal, 2=detailed, 3=debug. -r, --force-reindex This forces tracker-store to remove databases and to recreate fresh databases ready for data insertion from the miners. For more information about the miners, see tracker-miner-fs. -m, --low-memory This changes the behavior of the database manager and some other parts of tracker-store to be optimized for lower memory systems by lowering database connection cache sizes and page sizes for example. This may slow down indexing performance. -n, --readonly-mode This starts tracker-store in a mode which disables writing to the database. Only SPARQL read requests can be serviced if this option is used. ENVIRONMENT
TRACKER_DB_SQL_DIR This is the directory which tracker uses to load the .sql files from. These are needed on each invocation of tracker-store. If unset it will default to the correct place. This is used mainly for testing purposes. TRACKER_DB_ONTOLOGIES_DIR This is the directory which tracker uses to load the .ontology files from. If unset it will default to the correct place. This is used mainly for testing purposes. FILES
$HOME/.config/tracker/tracker-store.cfg $HOME/.config/tracker/tracker-fts.cfg NOTES
tracker-store is highly bound to the D-Bus freedesktop project. A D-Bus session is needed for all Tracker processes to communicate between each other. D-Bus is our acting IPC. See dbus-daemon(1) for more information. SEE ALSO
tracker-applet(1), tracker-search-tool(1), tracker-search(1), tracker-tag(1), tracker-stats(1), tracker-services(1), tracker-info(1), tracker-status(1). tracker-store.cfg(5), tracker-fts.cfg(5). dbus-daemon(1), GNU
September 2009 tracker-store(1)
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