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tcutest(1) [centos man page]

TCUTEST(1)							   Tokyo Cabinet							TCUTEST(1)

tcutest - test cases of the utility API DESCRIPTION
The command `tcutest' is a utility for facility test and performance test. This command is used in the following format. `rnum' specifies the number of iterations. `anum' specifies the initial number of elements of array. `bnum' specifies the number of buckets. tcutest xstr rnum Perform test of extensible string. tcutest list [-rd] rnum [anum] Perform test of array list. tcutest map [-rd] [-tr] [-rnd] [-dk|-dc|-dai|-dad|-dpr] rnum [bnum] Perform test of hash map. tcutest tree [-rd] [-tr] [-rnd] [-dk|-dc|-dai|-dad|-dpr] rnum Perform test of ordered tree. tcutest mdb [-rd] [-tr] [-rnd] [-dk|-dc|-dai|-dad|-dpr] rnum [bnum] Perform test of on-memory hash database. tcutest ndb [-rd] [-tr] [-rnd] [-dk|-dc|-dai|-dad|-dpr] rnum Perform test of on-memory tree database. tcutest misc rnum Perform test of miscellaneous routines. tcutest wicked rnum Perform updating operations of list and map selected at random. Options feature the following. -rd : perform the reading test also. -tr : perform the iterator test also. -rnd : select keys at random. -dk : use the function `tcxxxputkeep' instead of `tcxxxput'. -dc : use the function `tcxxxputcat' instead of `tcxxxput'. -dai : use the function `tcxxxaddint' instead of `tcxxxput'. -dad : use the function `tcxxxadddouble' instead of `tcxxxput'. -dpr : use the function `tcxxxputproc' instead of `tcxxxput'. This command returns 0 on success, another on failure. SEE ALSO
tcumttest(1), tcucodec(1), tcutil(3), tokyocabinet(3) Man Page 2012-08-18 TCUTEST(1)

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TCFTEST(1)							   Tokyo Cabinet							TCFTEST(1)

tcftest - test cases of the fixed-length database API DESCRIPTION
The command `tcftest' is a utility for facility test and performance test. This command is used in the following format. `path' specifies the path of a database file. `rnum' specifies the number of iterations. `width' specifies the width of the value of each record. `lim- siz' specifies the limit size of the database file. tcftest write [-mt] [-nl|-nb] [-rnd] path rnum [width [limsiz]] Store records with keys of 8 bytes. They change as `00000001', `00000002'... tcftest read [-mt] [-nl|-nb] [-wb] [-rnd] path Retrieve all records of the database above. tcftest remove [-mt] [-nl|-nb] [-rnd] path Remove all records of the database above. tcftest rcat [-mt] [-nl|-nb] [-pn num] [-dai|-dad|-rl] path rnum [limsiz]] Store records with partway duplicated keys using concatenate mode. tcftest misc [-mt] [-nl|-nb] path rnum Perform miscellaneous test of various operations. tcftest wicked [-mt] [-nl|-nb] path rnum Perform updating operations selected at random. Options feature the following. -mt : call the function `tcfdbsetmutex'. -nl : enable the option `FDBNOLCK'. -nb : enable the option `FDBLCKNB'. -rnd : select keys at random. -wb : use the function `tcfdbget4' instead of `tcfdbget2'. -pn num : specify the number of patterns. -dai : use the function `tcfdbaddint' instead of `tcfdbputcat'. -dad : use the function `tcfdbadddouble' instead of `tcfdbputcat'. -rl : set the length of values at random. -ru : perform random operation on random key. This command returns 0 on success, another on failure. SEE ALSO
tcfmttest(1), tcfmgr(1), tcfdb(3), tokyocabinet(3) Man Page 2012-08-18 TCFTEST(1)
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