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sfcbstage(1) [centos man page]

sfcbstage(1)						      General Commands Manual						      sfcbstage(1)

sfcbstage - Script to copy provider MOF and registration files to the Small-Footprint CIM Broker (sfcb) staging area SYNOPSIS
sfcbstage [options] [mof...] DESCRIPTION
sfcbstage copies provider mof and registration files to the sfcb staging area. Used to add classes to sfcb offline. The class repository must be rebuilt with sfcbrepos and the sfcb CIMOM restarted before changes take effect. OPTIONS
-n namespace Namespace for which the class MOFs are to be registered. Default is root/cimv2 -s stagingdir Path to sfcb staging area containing class MOFs and registration files Default is /var/lib/sfcb/stage -r registrationfile Path to the provider registration file. -h Display usage information and exit. mof Path(s) to one or more class MOF files containing the CIM class definitions for the class(es) implemented by the provider. ENVIRONMENT
DESTDIR If set, the value of this variable is prepended to the registration directory names. This can be useful to store the repository in a different location, i.e. when cross-compiling providers. AUTHOR
Viktor Mihajlovski <> BUGS
The SBLIM project maintains a mailing list to which you should direct all questions regarding sfcb, sfcc, wbemcli, or any of the SBLIM providers. To subscribe to this mailing list visit The SBLIM Project Bug tracking page can be found at COPYRIGHT
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 AVAILABILITY
The Small-Footprint CIM Broker (sfcb) is a part of the SBLIM project. The most recent version is available on the web at SEE ALSO
sfcbd(1), sfcbrepos(1), sfcbunstage(1) sfcbstage Version 1.3.16 August 2005 sfcbstage(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

sfcbunstage(1)						      General Commands Manual						    sfcbunstage(1)

sfcbstage - Script to remove provider MOF and registration files from the Small-Footprint CIM Broker (sfcb) staging area SYNOPSIS
sfcbstage [options] [mof...] DESCRIPTION
sfcbunstage removes provider mof and registration files from the sfcb staging area. Used to remove classes from sfcb offline. The class repository must be rebuilt with sfcbrepos and the sfcb CIMOM restarted before changes take effect. OPTIONS
-n namespace Namespace for which the class MOFs are to be deregistered. Default is root/cimv2 -s stagingdir Path to sfcb staging area containing class MOFs and registration files Default is /var/lib/sfcb/stage -r registrationfile Path to the provider registration file. -h Display usage information and exit. mof Path(s) to one of more class MOF files containing the CIM class definitions for the class(es) implemented by the provider ENVIRONMENT
DESTDIR If set, the value of this variable is prepended to the registration directory names. This can be useful to store the repository in a different location, i.e. when cross-compiling providers. AUTHOR
Viktor Mihajlovski <> BUGS
The SBLIM project maintains a mailing list to which you should direct all questions regarding sfcb, sfcc, wbemcli, or any of the SBLIM providers. To subscribe to this mailing list visit The SBLIM Project Bug tracking page can be found at COPYRIGHT
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 AVAILABILITY
The Small-Footprint CIM Broker (sfcb) is a part of the SBLIM project. The most recent version is available on the web at SEE ALSO
sfcbd(1), sfcbstage(1), sfcbrepos(1) sfcbunstage Version 1.3.16 August 2005 sfcbunstage(1)
Man Page