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pwhich(1) [centos man page]

PWHICH(1)						User Contributed Perl Documentation						 PWHICH(1)

pwhich - Perl-only `which' SYNOPSIS
$ pwhich perl $ pwhich -a perl # print all matches $ pwhich perl perldoc ... # look for multiple programs $ pwhich -a perl perldoc ... DESCRIPTION
`pwhich' is a command-line utility program for finding paths to other programs based on the user's "PATH". It is similar to the usualy Unix tool `which', and tries to emulate its functionality, but is written purely in Perl (uses the module "File::Which"), so is portable. Calling syntax $ pwhich [-a] [-v] programname [programname ...] Options -a The option -a will make "pwhich" print all matches found in the "PATH" variable instead of just the first one. Each match is printed on a separate line. -v Prints version (of "File::Which") and copyright notice and exits. SUPPORT
Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at <> For other issues, contact the maintainer. AUTHOR
Adam Kennedy <> Per Einar Ellefsen <> Originated in modperl-2.0/lib/Apache/ Changed for use in DocSet (for the mod_perl site) and Win32-awareness by me, with slight modifications by Stas Bekman, then extracted to create "File::Which". Version 0.04 had some significant platform-related changes, taken from the Perl Power Tools `which' implementation by Abigail with enhancements from Peter Prymmer. See <> for more information. COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2002 Per Einar Ellefsen. Some parts copyright 2009 Adam Kennedy. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO
perl, File::Which, which(1) perl v5.16.3 2009-09-26 PWHICH(1)

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PWHICH(1)						User Contributed Perl Documentation						 PWHICH(1)

pwhich - Perl-only `which' SYNOPSIS
$ pwhich perl $ pwhich -a perl # print all matches $ pwhich perl perldoc ... # look for multiple programs $ pwhich -a perl perldoc ... DESCRIPTION
`pwhich' is a command-line utility program for finding paths to other programs based on the user's "PATH". It is similar to the usualy Unix tool `which', and tries to emulate its functionality, but is written purely in Perl (uses the module "File::Which"), so is portable. Calling syntax $ pwhich [-a] [-v] programname [programname ...] Options -a The option -a will make "pwhich" print all matches found in the "PATH" variable instead of just the first one. Each match is printed on a separate line. -v Prints version (of "File::Which") and copyright notice and exits. SUPPORT
Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at <> For other issues, contact the maintainer. AUTHOR
Adam Kennedy <> Per Einar Ellefsen <> Originated in modperl-2.0/lib/Apache/ Changed for use in DocSet (for the mod_perl site) and Win32-awareness by me, with slight modifications by Stas Bekman, then extracted to create "File::Which". Version 0.04 had some significant platform-related changes, taken from the Perl Power Tools `which' implementation by Abigail with enhancements from Peter Prymmer. See <> for more information. COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2002 Per Einar Ellefsen. Some parts copyright 2009 Adam Kennedy. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO
perl, File::Which, which(1) perl v5.16.2 2009-09-26 PWHICH(1)
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