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POSTGRESQL-SETUP(1)					    Postgresql RPM-dist manual					       POSTGRESQL-SETUP(1)

postgresql-setup - manual page for postgresql-setup 9.2.7 SYNOPSIS
postgresql-setup {initdb|upgrade} [SERVICE_NAME] DESCRIPTION
Script is aimed to help sysadmin with basic database cluster administration. The SERVICE_NAME is used for selection of proper unit configuration file; For more info and howto/when use this script please look at the docu file /usr/share/doc/postgresql-9.2.7/README.rpm-dist. The 'postgresql' string is used when no SERVICE_NAME is explicitly passed. Available operation mode: initdb Create a new PostgreSQL database cluster. This is usually the first action you perform after PostgreSQL server installation. upgrade Upgrade PostgreSQL database cluster to be usable with new server. Use this if you upgraded your PostgreSQL server to newer major version (currently from 8.4 to 9.2). ENVIRONMENT
PGSETUP_INITDB_OPTIONS Options carried by this variable are passed to subsequent call of `initdb` binary (see man initdb(1)). This variable is used also during 'upgrade' mode because the new cluster is actually re-initialized from the old one. PGSETUP_PGUPGRADE_OPTIONS Options in this variable are passed next to the subsequent call of `pg_upgrade`. For more info about possible options please look at man pg_upgrade(1). PGSETUP_DEBUG Set to '1' if you want to see debugging output. postgresql-setup 9.2.7 June 2014 POSTGRESQL-SETUP(1)

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PG_UPGRADECLUSTER(8)					 Debian PostgreSQL infrastructure				      PG_UPGRADECLUSTER(8)

pg_upgradecluster - upgrade an existing PostgreSQL cluster to a new major version. SYNOPSIS
pg_upgradecluster [-v newversion] version name [newdatadir] DESCRIPTION
pg_upgradecluster upgrades an existing PostgreSQL server cluster (i. e. a collection of databases served by a postmaster instance) to a new version specified by newversion (default: latest available version). The configuration files of the old version are copied to the new cluster. The cluster of the old version will be configured to use a previously unused port since the upgraded one will use the original port. The old cluster is not automatically removed. After upgrading, please verify that the new cluster indeed works as expected; if so, you should remove the old cluster with pg_dropcluster(8). Please note that the old cluster is set to "manual" startup mode, in order to avoid inadvertently changing it; this means that it will not be started automatically on system boot, and you have to use pg_ctlcluster(8) to start/stop it. See section "STARTUP CONTROL" in pg_createcluster(8) for details. The newdatadir argument can be used to specify a non-default data directory of the upgraded cluster. It is passed to pg_createcluster. If not specified, this defaults to /var/lib/postgresql/version/name. Please note that this program cannot upgrade clusters which use tablespaces. If you use those, you have to upgrade manually. OPTIONS
-v newversion Set the version to upgrade to (default: latest available). --logfile filel Set a custom log file path for the upgraded database cluster. --locale=locale Set the default locale for the upgraded database cluster. If this option is not specified, the locale is inherited from the old cluster. --lc-collate=locale --lc-ctype=locale --lc-messages=locale --lc-monetary=locale --lc-numeric=locale --lc-time=locale Like --locale, but only sets the locale in the specified category. HOOK SCRIPTS
Some PostgreSQL extensions like PostGIS need metadata in auxiliary tables which must not be upgraded from the old version, but rather initialized for the new version before copying the table data. For this purpose, extensions (as well as administrators, of course) can drop upgrade hook scripts into /etc/postgresql-common/pg_upgradecluster.d/. Script file names must consist entirely of upper and lower case letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens; in particular, dots (i. e. file extensions) are not allowed. Scripts in that directory will be called with the following arguments: <old version> <cluster name> <new version> <phase> Phases: init A virgin cluster of version new version has been created, i. e. this new cluster will already have template1, but no user databases. Please note that you should not create tables in this phase, since they will be overwritten by the dump/restore operation. finish All data from the old version cluster has been dumped/reloaded into the new one. The old cluster still exists. The scripts are called as the user who owns the database. SEE ALSO
pg_createcluster(8), pg_dropcluster(8), pg_lsclusters(1), pg_wrapper(1) AUTHOR
Martin Pitt <> Debian 2012-10-08 PG_UPGRADECLUSTER(8)
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