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pax11publish(1) [centos man page]

pax11publish(1) 					      General Commands Manual						   pax11publish(1)

pax11publish - PulseAudio X11 Credential Utility SYNOPSIS
pax11publish -h pax11publish [options] [-d] pax11publish [options] -e pax11publish [options] -i pax11publish [options] -r DESCRIPTION
The pax11publish utility can be used to dump or manipulate the PulseAudio server credentials that can be stored as properties on the X11 root window. Please note that the loadable module module-x11-publish exports the same information directly from the PulseAudio sound server, and should in most cases be used in preference over this tool. Use the following command to dump the raw PulseAudio-specific data that is stored in your X11 root window: xprop -root | grep ^PULSE_ OPTIONS
-h Show help. -d Read the PulseAudio server credentials currently set on the X11 root window and dump them in a human readable form. This reads the PULSE_SERVER, PULSE_SINK, PULSE_SOURCE and PULSE_COOKIE properties. -i Similar to -d, however dumps them in a Bourne shell compatible format so they may be used together with the eval shell command to set the $PULSE_SERVER, $PULSE_SINK, $PULSE_SOURCE environment variables. Also reads the authentication cookie from the root window and stores it in ~/.config/pulse/cookie. -e Export the currently locally used sound server, sink, source configuration to the X11 root window. This takes the data from the $PULSE_SERVER, $PULSE_SINK, $PULSE_SOURCE environment variables and combines them with the data from ~/.config/pulse/client.conf (or /etc/pulse/client.conf if that file does not exist). If specific options are passed on the command line (-S, -O, -I, -c, see below), they take precedence. Also uploads the local authentication cookie ~/.config/pulse/cookie to the X11 server. -r Removes the configured PulseAudio configuration from the X11 root window. -D DISPLAY Connect to the specified X11 display, instead of the default one configured in $DISPLAY. -S SERVER Only valid for -e: export the specified PulseAudio server as default to the X11 display instead of the one configured via local con- figuration. -O SINK Only valid for -e: export the specified sink as default sink to the X11 display instead of the one configured via local configura- tion. -I SOURCE Only valid for -e: export the specified source as default to the X11 display instead of the one configured via local configuration. -c FILE Only valid for -e: export the PulseAudio authentication cookie stored in the specified file to the X11 display instead of the one stored in ~/.config/pulse/cookie. AUTHORS
The PulseAudio Developers <pulseaudio-discuss (at) lists (dot) freedesktop (dot) org>; PulseAudio is available from SEE ALSO
pulseaudio(1), xprop(1) Manuals User pax11publish(1)

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pulse-client.conf(5)						File Formats Manual					      pulse-client.conf(5)

pulse-client.conf - PulseAudio client configuration file SYNOPSIS
~/.pulse/client.conf /etc/pulse/client.conf DESCRIPTION
The PulseAudio client library reads configuration directives from a file ~/.pulse/client.conf on startup and when that file doesn't exist from /etc/pulse/client.conf. The configuration file is a simple collection of variable declarations. If the configuration file parser encounters either ; or # it ignores the rest of the line until its end. For the settings that take a boolean argument the values true, yes, on and 1 are equivalent, resp. false, no, off, 0. DIRECTIVES
default-sink= The default sink to connect to. If specified overwrites the setting in the daemon. The environment variable $PULSE_SINK how- ever takes precedence. default-source= The default source to connect to. If specified overwrites the setting in the daemon. The environment variable $PULSE_SOURCE however takes precedence. default-server= The default sever to connect to. The environment variable $PULSE_SERVER takes precedence. autospawn= Autospawn a PulseAudio daemon when needed. Takes a boolean value, defaults to "yes". daemon-binary= Path to the PulseAudio daemon to run when autospawning. Defaults to a path configured at compile time. extra-arguments= Extra arguments to pass to the PulseAudio daemon when autospawning. Defaults to --log-target=syslog cookie-file= Specify the path to the PulseAudio authentication cookie. Defaults to ~/.pulse-cookie. enable-shm= Enable data transfer via POSIX shared memory. Takes a boolean argument, defaults to yes. shm-size-bytes= Sets the shared memory segment size for clients, in bytes. If left unspecified or is set to 0 it will default to some sys- tem-specific default, usually 64 MiB. Please note that usually there is no need to change this value, unless you are running an OS kernel that does not do memory overcommit. AUTHORS
The PulseAudio Developers <mzchyfrnhqvb (at) 0pointer (dot) net>; PulseAudio is available from SEE ALSO
pulse-daemon.conf(5), pulseaudio(1) Manuals User pulse-client.conf(5)
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