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malsym(1) [centos man page]

MALSYM(1)						      Malaga quick reference							 MALSYM(1)

malsym - compile a Malaga symbol file SYNOPSIS
malsym symbol-file malsym extended-symbol-file -use symbol-file DESCRIPTION
Malaga is a development environment for natural-language grammars based on the Left-Associative Grammar formalism. Malaga grammars can be used for automatic morphological and/or syntactic analysis. The program malsym compiles a Malaga symbol file. Give it the symbol file (suffix .sym or .esym) that is to be translated as argument. If an extended-symbol-file (suffix .esym) is to be compiled, you must add the option -use. See info Malaga for details. OPTIONS
-h[elp] Print a help text about malsym's command line arguments and exit. -u[se] symbol-file Use the already compiled symbol-file as the base symbol file when compiling an extended symbol file. -v[ersion] Print malsym's version number and exit. AUTHORS
Malaga has been developed by Bjoern Beutel. Numerous other people distributed to it. This manpage was originally written for the Debian distribution by Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho. SEE ALSO
malaga(1), mallex(1), malmake(1), malrul(1), malshow(1) ``Malaga 7, User's and Programmer's Manual''. Available in Debian systems via info Malaga, and, if the malaga-doc package is installed, in various formats (DVI, Postscript, PDF, HTML) under /usr/share/doc/malaga-doc/. Malaga 26 September 2006 MALSYM(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

MALRUL(1)						      Malaga quick reference							 MALRUL(1)

malrul - compile a Malaga rule file SYNOPSIS
malrul symbol-file rule-file DESCRIPTION
Malaga is a development environment for natural-language grammars based on the Left-Associative Grammar formalism. Malaga grammars can be used for automatic morphological and/or syntactic analysis. The program malrul compiles a Malaga rule file. Give it the rule file that is to be translated (suffix .mor, .syn or .all) and the associ- ated symbol file (suffix .sym or .esym) as command-line arguments. The order of the arguments is arbitrary. See info Malaga for details. OPTIONS
-h[elp] Print a help text about malrul's command line arguments and exit. -v[ersion] Print malrul's version number and exit. AUTHORS
Malaga has been developed by Bjoern Beutel. Numerous other people distributed to it. This manpage was originally written for the Debian distribution by Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho. SEE ALSO
malaga(1), mallex(1), malmake(1), malshow(1), malsym(1) ``Malaga 7, User's and Programmer's Manual''. Available in Debian systems via info Malaga, and, if the malaga-doc package is installed, in various formats (DVI, Postscript, PDF, HTML) under /usr/share/doc/malaga-doc/. Malaga 26 September 2006 MALRUL(1)
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