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ksvalidator(1) [centos man page]

KSVALIDATOR(1)						      General Commands Manual						    KSVALIDATOR(1)

ksvalidator -- verify the syntax of a kickstart file SYNOPSIS
ksvalidator [-e | --firsterror] [-i | --followincludes] [-l | --listversions] [-v | --version VERSION] INFILE DESCRIPTION
ksvalidator is a program that takes an input kickstart file and attempts to verify that it is syntactically correct. This includes check- ing basics like proper quoting and making sure required options have values, and more advanced checks like verifying the file does not include deprecated or removed kickstart commands. Mutually exclusive options can also be caught, as can certain classes of partitioning errors (like using the same device name multiple times). ksvalidator does have its limitations. It cannot run validate the syntax of %pre and %post scripts, nor does it attempt to run them. It cannot check that the %packages section is valid. Most importantly, it cannot guarantee that an input kickstart file will install prop- erly, because it does not understand the complexities of partitioning and what potentially already exists on disk. EXIT STATUS
ksvalidator returns 0 on success, and 1 if INFILE does not exist or there is an error parsing the kickstart file. OPTIONS
-e, --firsterror Stop on the first warning or error. By default, ksvalidator will attempt to process the entire file, potentially raising multi- ple errors. -i, --followincludes Process included files in the input file when they are seen, like anaconda would. If the included file does not exist (this can happen for a variety of reasons, but the most common being a %pre script that generates an included file) and this option is given, an error will be generated and processing halted. -l, --listversions List all versions of kickstart syntax supported by ksvalidator. This is useful for determining what values can be fed back in on a second run. -v, --version VERSION Use this version of kickstart syntax when processing the file, or the latest if no version is given. SEE ALSO
ksflatten (1), ksverdiff (1) KSVALIDATOR(1)

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LIVEMEDIA-CREATOR(1)					      General Commands Manual					      LIVEMEDIA-CREATOR(1)

livemedia-creator - Create live install media SYNOPSIS
livemedia-creator [-h] (--make-iso | --make-disk | --make-fsimage | --make-appliance | --make-ami) [--iso ISO] [--disk-image DISK_IMAGE] [--fs-image FS_IMAGE] [--ks KS] [--image-name IMAGE_NAME] [--image-only] [--keep-image] [--no-virt] [--proxy PROXY] [--anaconda-arg ANACONDA_ARGS] [--armplatform ARMPLATFORM] [--location LOCATION] [--logfile LOGFILE] [--lorax-templates LORAX_TEMPLATES] [--tmp TMP] [--resultdir RESULT_DIR] [--app-name APP_NAME] [--app-template APP_TEMPLATE] [--app-file APP_FILE] [--ram MEMORY] [--vcpus VCPUS] [--vnc VNC] [--arch ARCH] [--kernel-args KERNEL_ARGS] [--dracut-arg DRACUT_ARGS] [--title TITLE] [--project PROJECT] [--releasever RELEASEVER] [--volid VOLID] [--squashfs_args SQUASHFS_ARGS] DESCRIPTION
livemedia-creator uses Anaconda, kickstart and Lorax to create bootable media that use the same install path as a normal system install. It can be used to make live isos, bootable (partitioned) disk images and filesystem images for use with virtualization. The general idea is to use virt-install to install into a disk image and then use the disk image to create the bootable media. livemedia-creator --help will describe all of the options available. At the minimum you need: --make-iso to create a final bootable .iso --iso to specify the Anaconda install media to use with virt-install --ks is the kickstart to use to install the system OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS
: -h, --help show this help message and exit --make-iso Build a live iso --make-disk Build a partitioned disk image --make-fsimage Build a filesystem image --make-appliance Build an appliance image and XML description --make-ami Build an ami image --iso ISO Anaconda installation .iso path to use for virt-install --disk-image DISK_IMAGE Path to disk image to use for creating final image --fs-image FS_IMAGE Path to filesystem image to use for creating final image --ks KS Kickstart file defining the install. --image-name IMAGE_NAME Name of fs/disk image to create. Default is a random name. --image-only Exit after creating fs/disk image. --keep-image Keep raw disk image after .iso creation --no-virt Use Anaconda's image install instead of virt-install --proxy PROXY proxy URL to use for the install --anaconda-arg ANACONDA_ARGS Additional argument to pass to anaconda (no-virt mode). Pass once for eachargument --armplatform ARMPLATFORM the platform to use when creating images for ARM, i.e., highbank, mvebu, omap,tegra, etc. --location LOCATION location of iso directory tree with initrd.img and vmlinuz. Used to run virt-install with a newer initrd than the iso. --logfile LOGFILE Path to logfile --lorax-templates LORAX_TEMPLATES Path to mako templates for lorax --tmp TMP Top level temporary directory --resultdir RESULT_DIR Directory to copy the resulting images and iso into. Defaults to the temporaryworking directory --title TITLE Substituted for @TITLE@ in bootloader config files --project PROJECT substituted for @PROJECT@ in bootloader config files --releasever RELEASEVER substituted for @VERSION@ in bootloader config files --volid VOLID volume id --squashfs_args SQUASHFS_ARGS additional squashfs args APPLIANCE ARGUMENTS
: --app-name APP_NAME Name of appliance to pass to template --app-template APP_TEMPLATE Path to template to use for appliance data. --app-file APP_FILE Appliance template results file. VIRT-INSTALL ARGUMENTS: --ram MEMORY Memory to allocate for installer in megabytes. --vcpus VCPUS Passed to --vcpus command --vnc VNC Passed to --graphics command --arch ARCH Passed to --arch command --kernel-args KERNEL_ARGS Additional argument to pass to the installation kernel DRACUT ARGUMENTS
: --dracut-arg DRACUT_ARGS Argument to pass to dracut when rebuilding the initramfs. Pass this once foreach argument. NOTE: this overrides the default. SEE ALSO
Documentation in /usr/share/docs/lorax/README.livemedia-creator AUTHOR
Brian C. Lane 2013-07-26 LIVEMEDIA-CREATOR(1)
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